The University Council (Consu), Unicamp's highest deliberative body, unanimously approved this Tuesday morning (25), during an extraordinary session, the names nominated by Rector Marcelo Knobel to occupy the General Coordination and Vice-Rectorships of the University. Shortly after the vote, the directors signed the commitment and inauguration term. On this occasion, the rector reaffirmed to the Consu members that the current management will be guided by dialogue and transparency of actions.
Professors Teresa Atvars (General Coordinator), Marisa Beppu (Pro-Rector of University Development), Munir Skaf (Pro-Rector of Research), Eliana Amaral (Pro-Rector of Undergraduate Studies), Fernando Hashimoto (Pro-Rector of Research) were approved by Consu. of Extension and Community Affairs) and André Furtado (Dean of Postgraduate Studies). The only absentee was André Furtado, who is traveling.
In his speech, the dean of Unicamp thanked the dedication of the members of the previous administration, led by professor José Tadeu Jorge. Marcelo Knobel told Consu members that the University is going through a difficult time, which will require everyone's commitment to overcome. “Unicamp is very young; adds up to just 50 years. We need to work collectively to consolidate, in a broader way, the institutionality of the University”, he considered.
In their interventions, the pro-rectors emphasized their willingness to work collaboratively to implement the proposals contained in the management plan. Everyone made themselves available to the university community to discuss ideas and suggestions that contribute to the advancement of Unicamp. The general coordinator said she was especially excited, “for being the first woman to hold a position of this magnitude at the University”.
Teresa Atvars declared that she will seek to honor the position and the task of representing the female segment, which constitutes the majority among the Brazilian population, but a minority in command roles in companies and public institutions. “I hope to live up to this mission”, she said.