There is still time to participate in Pint of Science, a global science dissemination festival, which takes place in 22 countries. In Campinas, the program is in four bars, starting at 19:30 pm, including presentations by Unicamp professors. In order to disseminate the knowledge acquired within universities and research centers in a relaxed environment, this year's Brazilian edition offers a chat about medicalization, invasion of privacy, the future of agriculture, among other topics.
Designed as a space for exchanging ideas between scientists and the general public, Pint of Science features presentations with accessible, interactive language and lasting approximately half an hour. After the researcher's speech, participants can make comments and questions about the evening's theme, always linked to daily life and major global challenges.
Brito Cruz opens event in Campinas
Around 100 people participated in the opening of the event in Campinas, on the night of May 15th, at the Alzirão II bar. Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, scientific director of Fapesp, former dean of Unicamp and professor at the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics (IFGW) spoke to the public about global climate change. Measuring the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere over the years, alternatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and economic and political factors were part of the presentation and subsequent questions. After a short break, Gabriel Monteiro, from the USP Oceanographic Institute, pointed out evidence of rising sea levels, based on stories from his expeditions to Antarctica. Only photos and an animated graphic were media used by scientists; Furthermore, lots of dialogue, accompanied by beer and snacks. A magician also entertained the audience with some interventions. Yoou Geek, Lado B and Echos are part of the list of bars in Campinas that will host the event simultaneously.
Check out Pint of Science, on TV Unicamp's General Registry
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What has already come out:
Pint of Science starts on the 15th