Unicamp's new administrative structure was presented to Technical Assistants (TAs) and directors of units and bodies at the University. The 1st Forum of Unicamp Technical Assistants was held last Monday (26), in the GGBS auditorium, promoted by the General Coordination of the University (CGU), Pro-Rector of University Development (PRDU) and General Directorate of Human Resources ( DGRH). The idea is for meetings to take place regularly, as a way of increasing dialogue between administrative bodies. More about the forum
“We want to develop a permanent agenda with periodic meetings, creating a direct channel of communication with central administration bodies. We want assistants and directors to bring their demands and relevant issues to the administration so that we can consider and improve management, in addition to evaluating actions implemented by central bodies”, highlighted the general coordinator of Unicamp, Teresa Atvars. The meeting was led by her and the Dean of University Development, Marisa Beppu, with the participation of the DGRH coordinator, Gilmar Dias.
Among the changes is the creation of the Executive Directorate of Administration (DEA), replacing the Executive Vice-Rector of Administration (VREA) and the Executive Directorate of International Relations (DERI) in place of the Executive Vice-Rector of International Relations (VRERI ). The Executive Directorate for the Health Area (DEAS), the Executive Directorate for Pre-University Education (DEEPU) and the Executive Directorate for Integrated Planning (DEPI) were also created.
DEPI will absorb Unicamp's Physical Territorial Planning Coordination – CPlan, which includes the Master Plan. DEAS will involve all bodies in the area, including the Community Health Center (Cecom). DEEPU will manage the Technical College of Campinas (Cotuca) and the Technical College of Limeira (Cotil), in addition to the Early Childhood and Complementary Education Division (DEdIC), which will now be understood as an educational body, no longer linked to the DGRH.
Within the scope of the pro-rectorships, Atvars highlighted that the PRDU will have a very strong emphasis on the budgetary issue. "The PRDU will delve deeper into the budget issue, but also into the medium and long term analysis. That's why we created the Economic Planning and Monitoring Commission (CPLAE) which will be attentive to decisions, resolutions and new laws that impact our budget”. At PREAC, the emphasis will be on cultural issues.
The CGU, with a set of bodies, will house the DGRH, previously linked to the Rector's Office (GR). The Educational Technologies Management Group (GGTE) will be transferred to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG). The Citizen Information Service (SIC) will be administered by the Unicamp Ombudsman. The Transparency Portal will be reformulated and a bureaucracy reduction commission will also be implemented. The general coordinator also stated that the rectory is creating a group called “Incluir” to organize all accessibility actions at Unicamp. The Writing Space will be included in the Dean of Research (PRP).
“From an economic point of view, we made a contingency resolution which is important because what was planned in our budget is not being implemented with ICMS collection below expectations and the drop in budget reserves”, he stated. Both Atvars and the Vice-Rector of University Development described the contingency solutions that cover budgetary reserves, public competitions, and career progressions for employees, teachers and researchers.
The administration bodies had 20% of the resources for tickets and daily payments, from the base year 2016, contingency. There were no cuts in teaching and research units and health bodies. “Investment resources are contingent, resources already approved are evaluated by the PRDU and the resources available in Central administration bodies have been reduced”, reiterated Atvars. The proposed reduction in water, telephone, energy and transport expenses is still being verified.
The general coordinator also said that CGU is also thinking about the future, with the implementation of strategic management. “We are working on these two aspects, taking care of the day-to-day running of the University, with all the difficulties we have and also 'putting Unicamp's planning on the streets'”, highlighted Atvars.
As an alternative to contingency, the administration should launch an internal mobility program with the aim of balancing the distribution of servers. The initiative is still being studied. “It is essential that we invest in a mobility program like we have never done before, so that we can have some principles being met,” said Beppu. The idea will be to move employees to places where there is demand for work.
Another alternative highlighted by the Dean of University Development is the recertification of areas. “We have to start working in different ways, optimize processes, bring together sectors, rethink and simplify workplaces,” she commented.