This week, teachers and students from the Faculty of Nursing at Unicamp held the IV course for manicurists and podiatrists, at the headquarters of the Center for Studies of Health Workers - CETS of the Municipal Health Department of Campinas. The initiative is part of a project by the Dean of Extension and Culture (Preac), for the second time, called "Training for Validation of Equipment for Manicurists and Podiatrists to Reduce the Risk of Infection".
The research that guided the action involves undergraduate nursing students and ProFIS (Higher Interdisciplinary Training Program). This year's edition, with around 50 registrants, was supported by the Brazilian Association of Beauty Institutes.
See more in the TV Unicamp video
Read what the Journal of Unicamp already talked about the topic:
Research exposes risks of disease transmission in beauty services
Also read what Jornal da Unicamp published between 1999 and 2016