Nearest Apple Campus Rep and Unicamp

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Campus Rep 2017 Team, with Giovani Nascimento Pereira (first from left to right) as representative of Unicamp
Campus Rep 2017 Team: Giovani Pereira, first from left to right 

Apple begins its Campus Rep project at Unicamp, which will last two years. This is the first time that this initiative has taken place in Brazil at a public university (it is also present in institutions such as Faculdades Anhembi Morumbi, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Senai and Universidade Metodista). The action consists of selecting Apple representatives within the University's student body, the so-called "Campus Rep's", who will work to bring technology and education closer together through events or projects together with other students and teachers.

In the project, undergraduate students are selected to become company ambassadors within the University campus. The work of a Campus Rep is to bring education technology closer together within the University through participation in collaborative events and projects. Unicamp representative Giovani Nascimento Pereira is a computer engineering student.

According to him, being a Campus Rep at Unicamp means having access to a large number of people and projects that are happening. "The first step is to understand how to help make the results and experiences of these projects even better, and then try to do something together that makes sense and shows the potential of the tools we have today. I'm excited to do this work with a diverse and productive group like Unicamp", he said. "The expectation is to reach at least 1.000 participants, including students and teachers. And, at the end of two years, we will develop a larger project in partnership with Apple."

Campus Rep's work also starts from its relationship with the various student entities that exist and from all areas of activity, not being restricted to just one field of knowledge. The projects that can be carried out depend on what people want to know or what it would help them to know. In this case, a workshop on digital photography using cell phones, a class on tools for generating graphics or a project to publish a digital book are all initiatives supported by Campus Rep. 

Those interested in finding out more about this project can contact student Giovani by 2018 via email at


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