Irlen Syndrome is a rare disease that causes difficulty reading and learning due to extreme sensitivity to certain light waves. Little known in Brazil, the correction can be done through the use of colored lenses, according to the Irlen Institute, in California. These lenses serve as “filters” that facilitate reading.
However, according to Maria Augusta Montenegro, neuropediatrician at the Department of Neurology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) at Unicamp, the symptoms are vague and often similar to dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or even migraine. . Furthermore, the costs for purchasing and maintaining these special glasses are extremely expensive.
“School difficulties generate a high degree of anxiety in parents and the family will do practically anything to make their child improve their academic performance. There is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of colored lenses in the treatment of Irlen Syndrome”, warns the FCM specialist at Unicamp.
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