Unicamp opens registrations for the 2018 Entrance Exam

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Facebook Unicamp answers questions from candidates for the 2018 Entrance Exam

Registration for the Unicamp 2018 Entrance Exam was open today (31). Check out, below, the interview with Comvest coordinator, José Alves, done this morning at Unicamp Facebook

Registration for the Unicamp 2018 Entrance Exam is open and can be completed until August 31st, exclusively online. In just 1 hour, the Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) already had more than 400 registrations. The official launch ceremony was held this Monday (31), in the DGA-Unicamp auditorium. The rector of the University, Marcelo Knobel, was present: the general coordinator, Teresa Atvars; the dean of Undergraduate Studies, Eliana Amaral and the executive coordinator of the entrance exam, José Alves de Freitas Neto.

José Alves highlighted the four new cities in which entrance exams will be administered this year: Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Indaiatuba and Valinhos. “Our goal is to seek out the best students wherever they are,” he said. The coordinator also pointed out the increase of 10 places in the entrance exam, which will be offered for the Geology course.

The rector highlighted the importance of the Unicamp entrance exam on the national scene, which has become a successful model for other institutions. In addition to the more than 75 thousand registered last year, Knobel recalled the family environment that also ends up participating in the process. “There will be more than 400 thousand people taking the Unicamp entrance exam in the coming months”, she pointed out.

According to Comvest, the 2018 Unicamp Entrance Exam offers 3.340 places distributed across 70 courses. The registration fee is 165 reais and must be paid by September 1st. The first phase will be held on November 19th and the second, on January 14th, 15th and 16th, 2018. The specific music skill tests will take place before the first phase and the others, between January 22nd and 25th . For more information, visit the Entrance Exam Kit on the Comvest page.

Also watch Primeira Chamada, a program on TV Unicamp:


Read additional information on the Unicamp Vestibular page

Launch of the 2018 Entrance Exam took place in the DGA auditorium
Launch of the 2018 Entrance Exam took place in the DGA auditorium


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Dean Marcelo Knobel launches 2018 Entrance Exam


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