Unicamp's Pibic-EM closes 2016 class and starts 2017 class

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Audience in the Convention Center auditorium
Audience in the Convention Center auditorium

Study at Unicamp even before taking the entrance exam, be able to participate in activities in the different laboratories, develop projects under the guidance of professors and researchers, get to know the University's human resources and exchange experiences with professors, students and staff. These are just some of the possibilities offered to public school students within the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program for High School (Pibic-EM), conducted by the Dean of Research (PRP) and CNPq.

On the morning of this Wednesday (2), two celebrations of the program took place in the auditoriums of the University's Convention Center: the closing of the 10th edition of the program and the opening of the 11th edition, at which time 241 new students have just arrived at the institution ( see other numbers at the end of the text). After the program, students received certificates.

Participating in the ceremony on behalf of Unicamp were the rector Marcelo Knobel, the general coordinator of the University Teresa Dib Zambom Atvars, the pro-rector of Research Munir Skaf, the pro-rector of Postgraduate Studies André Tosi, the pro-rector of Extension and Affairs Community members Fernando Hashimoto and Edvaldo Sabadini representing the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. The Education Departments of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba also sent representatives. Other authorities, guests, visitors, teachers and students also participated in the event.

Munir Skaf: Pro-Rector of Research at Unicamp

For Munir Skaf, dean of research at Unicamp, these celebrations have been edifying for the students, both for their academic and civic development. According to him, this event has grown every year and also has important participation from members of the university community. Munir wished the students to make the most of everything that has been planned for them. "Enjoy Unicamp as if it were your school. May you have a fruitful year working with us”, stated Munir, when welcoming new students and saying goodbye to students from the previous edition. In total, this year there are 77 projects that were approved.

Paulo Rogério da Silva da Silva, Luciana Maria Vitória and Eliana da Silva, respectively from the Campinas Oeste Education Directorate, the Piracicaba Education Directorate and the Campinas Education Department, thanked Unicamp for this initiative to show itself to the graduating students public schools and give them more knowledge than they have been able to obtain at school.

The dean of Unicamp greeted the public and appealed to students to consider the possibility of taking the University's 2018 Entrance Examination. He said that registrations have been open since last Monday and that there are currently 18 thousand registered candidates. He reported that 40% of registrations come from public schools across Brazil. He also revealed that Unicamp has some social inclusion programs, including the Affirmative Action and Social Inclusion Program (Paais), the Higher Interdisciplinary Training Program (Profis) and the distribution of ethnic-racial quotas.

Marcelo Knobel said that at the University students will be able to work in research groups, study the scientific method, learn to solve problems, make calculations. “But many have a romantic view of scientific activity. However, 99% of the time in this activity is spent making calculations, consulting the literature, checking data and studying a lot. This is necessary to obtain significant results later on, or not. This activity is fundamental for the development of the city, the country and the world”, he highlighted.

The rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel
The rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel

Kyendora Guimarães and Vitória dos Santos were the speakers of the 10th class of Pibic-EM. Isabela Cavalcanti, 16 years old, from Etec "Trajano Camargo", in Limeira, praised the Unicamp program, saying that it was fundamental for her to decide to study here. “I stayed in the manufacturing engineering area at FCA, where I learned how to work with engineering graphics. I intend to study chemistry.”

The speakers of "class 10" Vitória dos Santos and Kyendora Guimarães
The speakers of "class 10" Vitória dos Santos and Kyendora Guimarães receive their certificates

Lucas Martins, 17 years old, student at Colégio Jandira, in Limeira, commented that the biggest gain was having contact with the environment where the research is carried out. “Thanks to this contact, I intend to study chemical engineering at Unicamp,” he said. José Marques Braga, 16 years old, from Escola Pedro Crem, in Charqueada, SP, is participating in the program for the second time. “Pibic-EM opened several doors and perspectives for me in thinking. I didn't imagine the possibility of having spent this year here, but I'm very proud of it. My parents are also fulfilled,” he informed.

How to participate
Registration for Pibic-EM must be made by public high schools, linked to the East and West Education Directorates (Campinas, Jaguariúna Valinhos and Vinhedo), Limeira and Piracicaba. Each school can register a maximum of six students, using an electronic form, available on the PRP website

Each student's academic record from the 6th to 9th year of elementary school (PDF file) must be attached at the time of registration. The school may nominate students who are already participating in the program, as long as they meet the requirements presented in the notice. However, a place in the program/project will not be guaranteed.

The objective of this program is to serve students, seeking to identify and stimulate new talents for different fields of knowledge. It also aims to strengthen contact between the University and public high school teachers in Campinas and the region, to improve curricular content and improve science teaching practices.

Luciana Maria Vitória, from the Piracicaba Education Board
Eliana da Silva, from the Campinas Department of Education
Marcelo Knobel and Munir Skaf deliver certificates to students
Students Lucas Martins and Isabela Cavalcanti
Student José Marcos Braga
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Students participating in Pibic-EM gathered at the Convention Center


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium