UPA officially launches virtual portal

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Virtual portal is launched at Unicamp: collaborative action

Unicamp held the official launch of the Virtual UPA, called e-UPA. The event was broadcast live on Facebook Unicamp (access and review). It is dedicated to those looking for more information about studying at University. The portal is multimedia and, in addition to presenting images, texts and videos, it has translation into Libras (Brazilian sign language), for greater inclusion of students applying for a place at Unicamp. It also has an art gallery and news space. This portal involves a collaborative action between the University's General Coordination, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG) and the institution's Communication Secretariat. 

According to the general coordinator of the University, Professor Teresa Dib Zambom Atvars, the acronym for this project has always been referred to as Unicamp de Portas Abertas (UPA), but today this project does not only involve the physical door. “We now have a virtual door to reach an increasingly wider audience. The idea is to multiply the number of people reached by news and information about the Unicamp Entrance Exam. This way, they will be able to make the best decision by talking to their families, teachers and classmates. We hope you come and take the Unicamp Entrance Exam. They will be very welcome and will have an open portal, a more specific channel, to receive the instructions they need at different moments in this process”, she invited.

The dean of undergraduate studies, professor Eliana Amaral, commented that the new portal has a complete interface talking about ways to enter the Entrance Exam, the courses and life on campus. “The classic way to enter Unicamp is the Entrance Exam, but it is important that everyone is also aware of some of the inclusion programs that the institution offers, such as the Affirmative Action and Social Inclusion Program (Paais), which adds points for those who come from the school. public, and the Higher Interdisciplinary Training Program (ProFis), for the best Enem (National High School Exam) students", he explained.

According to Eliana Amaral, the fact that the new virtual portal has been launched does not mean that students will not physically visit the Unicamp campus. It is scheduled to take place in May next year. “Unicamp is also planning a visit to schools in the region in 2018. Open doors is a bilateral initiative: 'a lot of people enter and a lot of people manage to leave'”, she believes.

Professor Peter Schulz, Communication Secretary at Unicamp, highlighted that the portal is multimedia and dynamic, because it is constantly being fed. “This is the advantage of a platform like this compared to a physical visit, which only lasts one day. The audience is indeed broader, but the information available also allows us to return to this information and delve deeper", he explained. “I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, along with information about the courses and forms of entry, there is information on the portal such as protagonism student at Unicamp, which serves as an example to other students. We have a list of student entities from each college and institute to consult. The projects that our students have developed are fantastic”, he highlighted.

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The new portal, e-UPA, is presented


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