“The method is just the instrument, the tip of the iceberg. But what makes this iceberg 'float' and what gives it support are philosophical and pedagogical theories and concepts”, said Paulo Marcondes, professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), during an event held in the GGBS auditorium at Unicamp. . He spoke to coordinators of undergraduate courses, PED's and PAD's teachers and interested parties. The event is taking place via broadcast PODCASTS.
This activity was linked to the Teaching and Learning Support Space (EA)2 of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG), called RenovaGrad, which aims to improve teaching in undergraduate courses at Unicamp, discussing innovative teaching practices, pedagogical issues , active methodologies and virtual learning environments. Professor Paulo Marcondes inaugurated RenovaGrad's activities.
Paulo Marcondes reflected on “The use of electronic resources to qualify undergraduate teaching”, in a dialogued conference. He commented to the audience that the school as it is known today originated in the Middle Ages. "The classroom still remains in the same mold. It was a successful model. It turns out that it no longer works", he demystified.
The professor said that it is necessary to follow different paths in teaching, another logic, as the one that is in vogue is no longer attracting young people, especially at undergraduate level. In the Middle Ages, two models were assumed: the Trivium (basic cycle) and the Quadrivium (applied education). "The process is practically the same. A manual was created on how to set up a school, which prescribes how governance, teaching, cycles, tests, classrooms, etc. should be. We study using this model that today it is certainly inadequate for contemporary life”, he stressed.
According to him, with the internet, students can now practically check what their teachers are saying. on-site visit and are disinterested in content that is often far from their reality. On the other hand, it recognizes that many students are professionally successful because they learned, in large part, in the extension activities that were included in the curriculum.
In his opinion, it is necessary to act at the heart of the matter, creating a certain insecurity for new concepts to emerge. “A very important area today is communities of practice”, he reveals. It is a group that comes together to address a topic or interest. These people work together to find ways to improve what they do, solving a community problem or learning daily through systematic interaction. The term was endorsed by Etienne Wenger and Jean Lave in 1991.
“The community that uses the WhatsApp It is a community of practice, however it does not always use this tool as it could in teaching”, he declared. "In a community of practice, the teaching role is that of facilitator, with the logic of learning from the group", he explained. Unicamp has the largest number of initiatives in this line with the presence of various student leagues, recalled Eliana Amaral, during a debate with the speaker.
Paulo gave a general overview of what it would mean to create a competence for teaching or education work, as well as talking about learning theories and the tools available for teachers to use with their groups of students. In the afternoon, he expanded on the topic when he gave a workshop in the same auditorium on some active teaching and learning methods.
The doctor said he moved to UFSC in order to help implement a new medical course within the Mais Médicos expansion program. It was to create a different pedagogical project. “Now, our pedagogical project does not have theoretical classes in its planning. It is based entirely on active teaching-learning methods. The course will start next year.”
Several groups are currently thinking about this type of action. “We have the Faimer Brasil Teacher Development Program and the international network The Network Towards Unity for Health, which seeks to interfere in training and insert the school in the community, promoting changes in the health service”, informed Paulo, whose background is in medicine, with a master's degree and doctorate in electrical and computer engineering from Unicamp in 2000. He completed another master's degree in Illinois, USA, in education for health professionals. He was also a family medicine residency supervisor for several years. With this experience, he has observed so far that one of the biggest difficulties in the medical course is the implementation of curricular guidelines, as it requires a change of mentality.
The guest stressed that he intends to develop collaborations with Unicamp's PRG, to which Eliana Amaral, head of this Dean's Office, added that changes, activation and renewal are being proposed. “Along our journey, I ended up meeting Paulo in work related to teaching technology in the health sector, in an international development program for the professionalization of teaching. He is one of the members of the management group for this initiative. So, thinking about the transition we are going through, not just in health, Paulo is a very instrumental person because he knows Unicamp and, as he has worked in large institutions, he ended up facing many transitions. We intend to carry out more of these doubles, bringing guests to develop various activities and to offer their experience to the various units of our University", highlighted Eliana Amaral. This Tuesday (15), Paulo Marcondes will spend the day at the Faculty of Medical Sciences doing activities together to postgraduate studies.