The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) opened registrations for the Open Selection Process for the 17 Remaining Vacancies at the University today (8/2018). Registrations can be made until the 28th of august, exclusively on this website. This year, Unicamp offers 935 vacancies in 59 course options. Students from other national or foreign HEIs can enroll in the process; holders of a duly recognized diploma from a higher education course different from the intended course and students regularly enrolled in Unicamp undergraduate courses, as long as the intended course is different from their own course (exceptional cases will be judged by the CCG). Information about the test programs and approval criteria for each course is available on the Comvest website.
The Process will take place in three phases of an eliminatory and classificatory nature and a fourth phase for candidates for courses that require tests of Specific Skills. The three phases are: General Knowledge Exam (ECG), Curriculum Compatibility Analysis and Specific Knowledge Test. In addition to these three phases, there are Specific Skills tests (carried out together with candidates for the Unicamp Entrance Exam) for the following courses: Architecture and Urbanism, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Dance and Music. O General Knowledge Exam, mandatory for all candidates, will be held on the day September 17 and consists of 40 multiple-choice questions from the following subjects: Portuguese, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and History. The questions address areas of knowledge developed in high school.
Candidates will be ranked in descending order based on the scores obtained on the ECG. For the Curriculum Compatibility Analysis, a number of candidates will be invited that is equivalent to a maximum of three times the number of vacancies available on the course. Those selected need to deliver the required documentation, between September 28th and October 4th, at DAC (Academic Board), in Campinas.
To the Specific Knowledge Tests, which will be carried out from December 11th to 16th 2017, candidates who have their CVs judged compatible with the semester defined by the course's undergraduate coordinators will be selected. The list of those called for enrollment (courses without tests of Specific Skills) will be published on January 19, 2018. For candidates for places in courses that also require tests of Specific Skills, the list will be published on January 7, 2018. February XNUMX.