Plagiarism, respect for peers, ethics, data storage and sharing were some of the key concepts discussed in the “Good research practices” workshop, promoted by the Center for Research in Computational Science and Engineering (CCES, in its acronym in English) and by the Dean of Research (PRP) from Unicamp. CEES is one of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (Cepids) financed by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP). The event took place last Friday (25), in the auditorium of the Computing Institute (IC). Participated, the scientific director of (FAPESP), Carlos Henrique de Brito Cross; the Dean of Research, Munir Solomon Skaff; The deputy director of Cepid-CCES, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros; It is journalist and researcher Sabine Righetti.

“The objective is to think about ways in which universities and research funding organizations can help their communities better comply with the standards for obtaining, recording and communicating research results,” said Brito. According to him, Fapesp expects teaching and research institutions in the State of São Paulo to make a great effort in three directions: education, prevention and fair and rigorous investigation and sanctions. These are the three pillars of Code of Good Scientific Practice developed by the Foundation, the main public institution for promoting academic research in the state. “Most institutions are too concerned with investigation and sanctions, we want the main focus to be on education and prevention”, he explained.

The workshop was part of a series of events being held by Cepid in order to promote this debate at Unicamp. “We seek to publicize and disseminate, here at Unicamp, the most modern standards and guidelines to develop research within the lines of good ethical conduct, preparation and dissemination of data, and respect for colleagues, students and advisors”, declared the teacher Claudia Bauzer Medeiros. In June, the theme was "Ethics in the use of data” (read the article in Jornal da Unicamp “Researchers reflect on ethical, safe and constructive use of data”). In the coming months, “Research reproducibility” and “Data management” will be addressed.

Among the actions planned by PRP, Munir Skaf highlighted the seminar program aimed especially at incoming students, which will be carried out in partnership with the undergraduate deans (PRG) and postgraduate (PRPG). Another important ally in the dissemination of good research practices has been the Unicamp Library System (SBU), which has already made the Unicamp Scientific and Intellectual Production Repository available for online consultation (RI) and Turnitin, an originality checking and plagiarism prevention software (visit).