3rd March for Science holds preparatory meeting this Tuesday

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A preparatory meeting for the 3rd March for Science takes place this Tuesday (26), at 16 pm, at the Unicamp Exploratory Science Museum. The idea is to protest against the budget cuts in the sciences, planned by the federal government for 2018 and the immediate reversal of the cuts already made in 2017 in the S&T area; for the revitalization of the Research Institutes of the State of São Paulo; and against the dismantling of public universities across the country. The march takes place on Avenida Paulista, in the capital, on October 8th. The gathering will be in front of Masp (São Paulo Art Museum), starting at 15 pm.

The movement is part of the Knowledge Without Cuts campaign initiative and has the support of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC). In the previous edition, the March for Science obtained more than 70 thousand signatures against the reduction of public investment in the sector. Some of the supporters of the march are: Unicamp Science Blogs, Women in Science, WithScience, Labjor-Unicamp Specialization Institutional Communication Course, Exploratory Science Museum, USP Dean of Research, Unicamp - State University of CampinasAssociation of Scientific Researchers of the State of São Paulo. Follow other information on Facebook.

March for Science is in its third edition
3rd March for Science



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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium