Consu approves measures to reduce Unicamp’s budget deficit

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Moment when the invasion of the Consu building occurred
Moment when the invasion of the Consu building by students occurred

The members of the Unicamp University Council (Consu) were surprised this Tuesday afternoon (26/09) by an invasion of students during the vote on measures to reduce the University's budget deficit. The meeting was suspended by a large majority of councilors, with the aim of preserving the physical integrity of representatives of teachers, students and staff present at the site. Consu is Unicamp's highest deliberation body, whose members represent students, employees and teachers of the institution.

The invasion of the Consu building took place after negotiations between counselors and students so that students could present their arguments. At the request of the students themselves, the Consu members allowed five student and staff representatives to enter the site, at which time the invasion occurred, disrespecting the agreed negotiation. The Unicamp Rectory deeply regrets the lack of dialogue and the forced interruption of discussions of relevant interest to the University and society.

Security guards try to prevent invasion by students
Security guards try to prevent invasion by students

Until the meeting was suspended, all the measures proposed by the Higher Administration had been voted on and approved by a large majority of Consu members. Temporary measures were approved, such as the cancellation for 2017 of the payment of four institutional awards, granted to professors, researchers and employees of the University. Furthermore, the councilors approved the budget review with a projected deficit of 290 million reais for 2018.

The suspension, for 2018, of new competitions for teachers, researchers and employees was also voted on and approved., without proper budgetary forecast. Another approved measure is that the creation of new bonus positions and other permanent expenses will only be implemented by Consu Deliberation. The objective is to provide more transparency, publicity and impersonality to the University’s actions. If approved, the set of measures should generate savings of 25 million reais in 2018, that is, corresponding to almost 10% of the deficit.

Consu members vote on measures to reduce deficit
Consu members vote on measures to reduce deficit

Two proposals could not be voted on due to the suspension of Consu work. Among them is the adjustment in the value of the meal offered in Unicamp restaurants, which would go from 2 to 4 reais, for students without need. Complete exemption continues for needy students. Employees who receive salaries above 5 thousand reais would have an increase of 3 reais in the cost of the meal, which would go from 7 to 10 reais. Exemptions that already exist will be maintained, especially for the approximately 10% of students served in permanency programs. For low-income employees, the subsidies that already exist continue. Breakfast would, according to the proposal, go from 1 to 2 reais.

Another measure that should be voted on would be a 30% linear cut in the values ​​of all non-incorporated bonuses paid to professors, researchers and employees. These matters will be discussed at the next Consu meetings.

More on the topic
FINANCIAL CRISIS: Read interview with rector Marcelo Knobel on Portal R7
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