With activities such as lectures, round tables, business model pitches, exhibition of computer programs, workshops and technological workshops, the third edition of Software Experience on Wednesday (25), provided the public with an immersion in information technology, during InovaCampinas, the largest entrepreneurship and technological innovation event in the interior of São Paulo.
In the afternoon, those present participated in a round table on IoT (or Internet of Things, in English), a topic that has been revolutionizing the market for some time and promises to conquer even more ground in the coming years. Such technology can be defined as machine-to-machine communication, with the possibility of being applied to optimize production in a given industry as well as making people's daily lives easier, through the use of sensors. In the future, it is expected that the technology can be used in utensils such as clothes that adapt to temperature or systems for prior diagnosis of diseases, among other facilities.
Read the full news on the Inova Unicamp page
Software Experience provides immersion in information technology at InovaCampinas
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