Unicamp researchers develop an app to help treat female urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is considered a public health problem. It is estimated that, around the world, around 50 million people suffer from the problem, especially women. In Brazil, although incontinence is rarely reported, it is estimated that between 11 and 23% of women are incontinent, a proportion that can reach 40% after menopause.

Cássia Juliato, Andrea Marques, Camila Araújo and Adriana Barea, researchers from the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp and Caism, are already celebrating the development of the application, a case of notable success in the gigantic challenge of integrating such distinct areas of knowledge: medicine, physiotherapy, computing and arts. Yes, arts, since “Diário Saúde” incorporates the musical track developed by Adriana Barea, bachelor and master's student in music from Unicamp, in addition to the animations developed by the Eldorado Institute.

The formalization of the agreement between the University and the Eldorado Institute was supported by INOVA, Unicamp's Innovation Agency. Although the application is not yet available to the general public, its most recent version was presented at the last “Inova Campinas”, promoted at the Shopping Dom Pedro Convention Center last Wednesday, October 25th. The success of the application at the event indicates that the future of “Diário Saúde” is promising.

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The most recent version of the application was presented at "Inova Campinas”


Internal Community

Delegation learned about research carried out at Unicamp and expressed interest in international cooperation

The show class with chef and gastrologist Tibério Gil on the role of nutrition and gastronomy in contemporary women's health, this Thursday (7), opened the program that runs until Friday (8)


According to Maria Luiza Moretti, despite the progress seen in recent years, the occupation of command positions is still unequal between men and women

There will be four years of partnership, with six places offered each year in the first two periods; the offer increases to nine beneficiaries in the following two years

The publications are divided in a didactic manner into the themes General Women's Health, Reproductive Health, Obstetric Health and Adolescent Women's Health

Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium