Public management and responsibility

Marcelo Knobel and Teresa Atvars

In articles in Correio Popular, directors from Unicamp's previous management associate the university's good results in recent rankings with their administration, mainly with the hiring of more than 500 teachers in the last four years. Furthermore, they question the austerity measures proposed by the current administration, which became necessary after a previous administration with little transparency, coupled with one of the worst economic crises the country has ever experienced.

Regarding international rankings, it is worth remembering that the data used are from previous periods, the results of which are cumulative, referring to actions taken by successive administrations. With regard to the measures taken by the current administration, the fact is that we inherited a deficit budget without objective data that would explain the size of the deficit. Unicamp's bank balance fell from R$1,3 billion in 2014 to R$751 million in 2017. The projected deficit for this year is R$291 million. And in 2018, another R$300 million should be consumed from the balance, which will lead to the depletion of reserves.

There are many reasons that explain this deficit. At Unicamp there was an exaggerated growth in the payroll, not only due to the hiring of more than 500 teachers and 700 employees during the last four years, but also due to other actions that resulted in additional expenses (floor equality process with USP, 30 hours in the health sector, increase in bonus positions). In other words, combined with the economic crisis, a questionable expenditure expansion policy was practiced, disconnected from the negative forecasts widely publicized at that time, based on the country's economic situation.

As we had promised in our management program, we immediately opened the accounts to the community, showing that there were more than R$550 million in promises for works and renovations, which could not be fulfilled. In fact, this list of projects had never been published.

Faced with these facts, the current administration adopted a stance of budgetary austerity. The first measure was the cancellation of dual enrollment for higher administration, which corresponded to around R$2 million annually. We also suggest measures to expand resources and reduce expenses, including a temporary freeze on new hiring, temporary cancellation of cash awards, a 30% linear reduction in all bonuses, and a reduction in meal subsidies in university restaurants.

Obviously, we will not be able to eliminate the deficit with these measures alone, but they will help us get through the worst moments of the crisis without threatening the salaries of university employees. Therefore, as long as the economy continues to improve, we will be able to maintain the flow of careers for employees and professors, with promotions based on merit, which are fundamental in the academic environment.

Another characteristic of this management is that we believe in sharing information and data with the community. Transparency is the only way to ensure social responsibility in institutional decisions. Therefore, for the first time, we present all the economic measures to be discussed at the University Council, the university's highest body. All proposals are based on detailed studies, with all data and documents made publicly available. We intend to advance even further, as we are working intensely together with students in the construction of the Transparency Portal, a strategic project of the current administration.

It would be easy, and certainly more comfortable, not to propose the measures already presented and approved by the University Council. Our commitment, however, is to responsibility and transparency in the management of the public university, which is ultimately maintained by the taxpayer. This is a necessary and real way to act in defense of the institution, maintaining the positive impacts of this heritage of Brazilian society that is Unicamp.

■ I Marcelo Knobel is rector and Teresa Atvars is general coordinator of Unicamp

(Article published in the newspaper Correio Popular, on November 7, 21017, page A2)

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Unicamp campus in Campinas


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