Consu maintains resolutions aimed at financial balance

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The University Council (Consu) of Unicamp, the University's highest deliberative body, confirmed the deliberations previously approved by the body itself that establish a linear cut of 30% in non-incorporated bonuses paid to teachers, researchers and employees and the submission for analysis by the Council of initiatives that result in increased expenses for the institution. The decision was taken during an extraordinary meeting held this Tuesday morning (7), called at the request of the Unicamp Workers' Union (STU), after collecting 25 signatures from counselors.

Rector Marcelo Knobel considered the result of the meeting important. “It is always healthy to democratically discuss issues that concern the university community, and Consu ended up ratifying the previously approved matters. The cost-cutting measures are tough, but necessary to face the current financial crisis. We are convinced that we are heading towards economic recovery, which gives us hope that we will be able, in the near future, to make necessary decisions, such as promoting promotions based on merit in both staff and teaching careers”, he analyzed.

The rector also stated that the Working Group (GT) constituted by Consu continues working with the purpose of presenting suggestions that help the University to promote a cost cut of around R$ 25 million per year from 2018 onwards, which which approximately corresponds to the vegetative growth of the payroll, with the aim of being able to promote the aforementioned processes of progression in the careers of employees and teachers starting next year. The GT is made up of representatives of students, teachers and technical-administrative staff.

During the meeting, Knobel highlighted to Consu members that, due to the drop in ICMS transfers, Unicamp has recorded a budget deficit of 15% per month. The difference has been complemented by the University's strategic reserves, which are approaching depletion. In addition to the 30% linear cut in bonuses paid by Unicamp, the University has undertaken other efforts to achieve budget balance, such as renegotiating contracts signed with suppliers and service providers.


Consu ratifies resolutions previously approved by the body itself
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Consu members during extraordinary meeting


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium