The election for undergraduate student representation at Consu and CCG, which would end this Thursday, the 9th, was extended and continues this Friday, the 10th, ending at 23 pm. The decision came from the Electoral Commission, chaired by professor Álvaro D´Antona. The representation of undergraduate students in Consu is made up of 5 full members and 5 substitute members. Along with the CCG, the bench is made up of 9 full members and 9 substitute members. The term of office of student representatives at Consu and CCG is one year, starting on 01.01.2018/XNUMX/XNUMX. Reappointment is permitted.
With the extension, the counting of votes will take place on Monday, the 13th, in the Consu room, starting at 8:30 am.
Below is some important information for the smooth running of voting:
1. The election will take place electronically, using the e-vote system.
2. To vote, it is recommended to use the following browsers:
- Chrome: from version 59;
- Firefox: from version 54;
- Microsoft Egde: (all versions);
- Apple Safari: from version 10.
3. Voters must pay attention to the conditions of use of their institutional email (@dac), remembering the following measures:
- check whether the institutional email has been activated (just use it the first time);
- ensure that the mailbox is not full;
- if you use a redirection email to another email account, ensure that the indicated provider does not block the delivery of the sender's original messages or require confirmation step to release message from that sender.
4. In case of external access to Unicamp, voters who are outside the University's premises will be able to access the electronic voting system using the VPN - Virtual Private Network, secure remote access, which must be configured before voting begins , through the Sítio.
5. It is not recommended to use a cell phone or tablet to vote.
6, At the time of voting, the names of the candidates will be arranged on the screen in alphabetical order, considering the form indicated by the candidate at the time of registration. The candidate's name will be accompanied by the acronym of the unit to which he belongs, and, if applicable, the name of his ticket.
7. Each voter may vote for up to 4 (four) candidates for the Consu and up to 4 (four) candidates for the CCG.
8. The list of candidates is available on the General Secretariat page as well as, through a search tool, the list of voters, if you want to check.
Additional information can be obtained from the General Secretariat of Unicamp, through the website