CCG considers proposal to adopt ethnic-racial quotas and other forms of entry

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The Central Graduation Commission (CCG), an auxiliary body of the University Council (Consu) of Unicamp, the highest deliberative body of the University, considers this Tuesday morning (14), in an extraordinary meeting, the deliberation proposal formulated by the Working Group (GT Ingresso) tasked by Consu with studying new ways of entering the institution's undergraduate courses. After voting in the CCG, the matter will go to the Consu for final analysis, on the 21st. Among the suggestions contained in the document is the reservation of 25% of vacancies for the ethnic-racial quota system, destined for self-declared black and brown candidates.

In addition to the quotas, GT Ingresso also proposes the holding of the Indigenous Entrance Exam, separate from the traditional Entrance Exam; the granting of bonuses to public school students, including candidates who attended Elementary School II in these establishments; and the offer of vacancies through the Unified Selection System (Sisu). The report also suggests the expansion of the Higher Interdisciplinary Training Program (ProFIS) to the cities of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (RMC) and the municipalities of Piracicaba and Limeira.

GT Ingresso also indicates the promotion of changes in the Affirmative Action and Social Inclusion Program (Paais), the designation of vacancies for the best placed in olympiads and knowledge competitions and the carrying out of studies to define bonuses for entrance exam candidates with deficiency. Before being sent for consideration by the CCG and Consu, the deliberation proposal was approved by the Entrance Examination Deliberative Chamber.

“It is important to highlight that the GT's proposals were circulated for two months among faculties and institutes, which discussed them and presented their positions. A table containing the units' statements was also sent to the collegiate bodies, to help support the decisions of their members”, explains José Alves de Freitas Neto, president of GT Ingresso and executive coordinator of the Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest).

For him, Unicamp innovates by proposing this flexible model of social inclusion. “Unicamp’s proposal is bolder than those that exist in other higher education institutions because it makes access more flexible through various paths. The proposed system considers that there are different realities in each undergraduate course and proposes diverse actions that have been widely studied and debated”, explained Alves.

Discover the GT Ingresso Deliberation Proposal


José Alves de Freitas Neto, president of GT Ingresso and executive coordinator of Comvest
Audience participating in one of the public hearings that discussed the proposal to adopt quotas by Unicamp
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Audience participating in one of the public hearings that discussed the proposal to adopt quotas by Unicamp


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