Unicamp administered, this Monday (15/1), the History, Geography and Mathematics tests, on another day of the second phase of the 2018 Entrance Exam. The tests were marked by contextualized questions and themes associated with the students' universe. 13.628 candidates took the tests and the Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) recorded an abstention rate of 11,9%. On Sunday, abstention was 11,3%.
In the Mathematics test, for example, a question asked candidates to make percentage calculations, based on an everyday subject: the monthly fees for private schools and family spending on education. In addition to percentages, the Mathematics test covered classic topics such as function analysis, arithmetic progression, matrices and analysis of linear systems.
According to Comvest, the questions on the History and Geography tests required relationships between social and cultural processes and the students' worldview. The History test brought a question that discusses how the notion of art was degenerated during Nazism, by addressing the aesthetic project of Nazism and the regime's forms of violence. Based on a statement that presented the Nazi campaign against modern art, with the impeachment of curators and artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso, the question asked candidates to explain the aesthetic project of Nazism.
José Alves de Freitas Neto, executive coordinator of Comvest, commented on the issues covered in this Monday's tests. “By presenting themes such as gentrification, the role of women in colonial societies, questions about the climate and the use of shoes by black people after the abolition of slavery in Brazil, the commitment of the drafting panels in articulating major contemporary themes and the humanities discipline programs”, stated the coordinator.
Analysis of images, graphs, cartoons and maps were some of the resources required in the History, Geography and Mathematics tests at Unicamp. Fires and the change of biomes in the cerrado and eating habits during the Middle Ages were other topics covered by the questions.
“Unicamp preserves the characteristic of seeking candidates who are good readers, who know how to interpret a text, mobilize references from their school career and write their answers clearly. Writing is a practice of organizing reasoning and information. And, in the case of Mathematics, they demonstrate knowledge of the bases of reasoning and calculation, considering that almost half of the vacancies offered are in the exact and technological areas”, highlighted Freitas Neto.
On Tuesday, January 16, candidates will have the last day of the second phase, with the Biology, Chemistry and Physics tests. Candidates compete for 3.340 places in 70 undergraduate courses at Unicamp.
Abstention rate in the second phase