Second phase of the Entrance Exam has the last day

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students climb ramp to classrooms

Between experienced trainers and entrance students, the third and final day of the second Unicamp Entrance Exam phase took place this Tuesday (16). The students took the Biology, Chemistry and Physics tests which, despite leaving some hairs standing on end, were a safe haven for many. “I'm nervous, but at the same time confident because I'm convinced that I'm well prepared for today's subjects,” said Giovanna Gomes, who intends to study Biological Sciences at Unicamp.

interview girl with glasses
Giovanna Gomes, who intends to study Biological Sciences at Unicamp

For Matheus Petrucci, who also aims to attend the Biology Institute (IB) at Unicamp, the writing test, held on Sunday, was the main challenge. “The test became more difficult this year. The theme changed a lot, it was very philosophical and at the same time current”, he said. From Giovana, what caught the attention was the History test. “I found the questions about slavery and the post-colonial period very interesting,” he said.

boy with glasses smiles
Matheus Petrucci draws attention to time control

In his third year of the entrance exam, Matheus drew attention to the importance of knowing how to control time during the test. According to him, this was an important strategy last year. “The most difficult thing is actually time, often more than content. This year I am much more confident about the weather and can take the tests more calmly”, he explained.

two boys read paper
Vinícius Pelqui and Tales Vedovatti took the entrance exam for the first time

Tales Vedovatti and Vinícius Pelqui took the entrance exam for the first time. They humorously described panic situations during tests when faced with questions they knew the content of. “There was a geography question where I simply froze. It had an image and text and I stood there for about 15 minutes looking at the question. It was a question about the Nile Delta, I knew it,” said Tales. Vinícius, in turn, avoided the panic by skipping the question and coming back later. “It was a question about the heat islands. I knew, but I didn't remember the name at all. I moved on to another question and when I came back I had that moment eureka! and I remembered”, he said with relief.

students in building

The tests were carried out in 20 cities, including Brasília, Belo Horizonte and Fortaleza. On the Unicamp campus in Barão Geraldo, the atmosphere before the gates opened was one of great expectations. After going through the first phase and the marathon of tests over the last two days, many students were satisfied with finishing this cycle. “Anything, if it doesn’t pass, there’s next year too,” said Tales.

Comvest closes Unicamp 2018 Entrance Exam with positive balance
The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) closed this Tuesday, January 16, the second phase of the Unicamp 2018 Entrance Exam. The Biology, Chemistry and Physics tests were taken by 13.566 candidates. The second phase was carried out on three consecutive days, in 20 cities across the country and without any incidents, according to the organization. Abstention closed at 12,3% and, despite being slightly higher than the 11,2% of the previous year, it is within the historical average, according to Comvest. 

“We are very satisfied with the results of the application, even with a small increase in abstentions, as we had a larger candidate base this year. In absolute numbers, the reduction in the number of gifts was small compared to the previous year. We are confident that, at the end of the corrections, we will have done the best job to select future Unicamp students”, stated José Alves de Freitas Neto, executive coordinator of Comvest.

The final day's tests were dedicated to natural sciences. Quite comprehensive with regard to the three disciplines (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), they excelled in contextualization, according to Comvest. Both relevant current topics were considered, such as obesity as a global public health problem, in the case of Biology or alternative energies, in the case of chemistry; as well as more technical issues, such as the use of fertilizers to improve agricultural productivity, in the case of chemistry.

“Question 14 of the Chemistry test, for example, presented interesting information about how to prevent the H1N1 virus through chemical interactions. The Physics test was well balanced in terms of the content covered in high school, with questions on electrostatics, mechanics, thermodynamics and optics. Once again, the Physics test addressed modern physics, through thermodynamics, in a question that asked for a measurement of a body's temperature based on the radiation it emits. As usual, despite not being a recurring theme, the candidate had all the conditions to solve the problem, based on a careful reading of the statement”, assessed Kléber Pirota, logistics coordinator at Comvest and professor at the Institute of Physics at Unicamp.

For Comvest, Unicamp maintained one of the important characteristics of its entrance exams. “We have evidence that is increasingly in line with the reality of students, who face the challenges of scientific knowledge and technological and cultural production for the 21st century. We want to train professionals who have a critical sense, capable of making a very comprehensive reading of reality and which is not so restricted to disciplinary content”, highlighted José Alves de Freitas Neto.

Day 22 skills begin
The Specific Skills tests, for the courses Architecture and Urbanism, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance will be held in Campinas between the days January 22th and 25th, 2018. Guidance on these tests is on the Comvest and Applicant Manual.

Second phase tests

Abstention rate in the second phase

Data change form

Consult information on Specific Skills Tests (bibliographies, timetables, questionnaires)

Performance (grades) of candidates in the first phase

List of those approved in the first phase

I forgot my password

students take the test
boy and girl study
girl looks at cell phone
students arrive for exam
boy with hand on head
students laugh
girls hugging
students smile
girl studies
cover image
Students in Basic Cycle 2


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium