Unicamp and CPFL celebrate partnership in energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption

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Renato Povia, innovation manager at CPFL, and the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, sign an agreement
Renato Povia, innovation manager at CPFL, and the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, sign an agreement

Unicamp and CPFL Energia announced this Wednesday morning (31) an investment of R$ 8,1 million in the Sustainable Campus project, opening a series of initiatives in the area of ​​R&D (research and development), energy efficiency and reduction of electrical energy consumption within the Unicamp campus in the coming years.

It is estimated that, with this project, which lasts 36 months, savings will be at least 3% to 6% in Unicamp's total electricity consumption. The main increase will come with the use of the photovoltaic system (solar energy), which is being installed at the University, which has enough energy to supply the equivalent of 386 homes. 

The agreement was signed in the University Council (Consu) room, confirming the development of a sustainable campus model. The ceremony was attended by the rector of Unicamp Marcelo Knobel, the general coordinator of the University Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars, the mayor of the campus Armando José Geraldo, the executive director of Administration at Unicamp Roberto Paes, the director of Agência Inova Unicamp Newton Frateschi, the manager of CPFL innovation Renato Povia, Unicamp professor Marco Aurélio Pinheiro, CPFL manager Felipe Zaia, as well as authorities and guests from Unicamp and CPFL.

The project coordinator, Luis Carlos Pereira da Silva
The project coordinator, Luis Carlos Pereira da Silva
Renato Povia, innovation manager at CPFL Energia
Renato Povia, innovation manager at CPFL Energia

The investment aims to test some technologies and generate knowledge and technology that can be applied to several other consumers in the sector. The main one is the installation of individualized measurement systems to control which devices and circuits consume the most energy at the University, “so that we can have a disaggregated measurement and know where to act”, says Renato Povia. He emphasized that the measurements have direct real-time communication with the operation center to be installed at Unicamp. This allows us to know throughout the month how much energy is being consumed in each of the circuits," he revealed. 

Another important part of the project is the replacement of air conditioning units, which are currently located at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FEM). The objective is to install 160 more efficient pieces of equipment, with the Procel seal, to reduce consumption. Another module of the project will involve the training part. It is essential to generate technical knowledge, technology and disseminate this knowledge. “Some subjects will be included within Unicamp's current course schedule to provide knowledge of the project's results and disseminate practices to reduce energy consumption”, informs Renato Povia. “45% of the energy consumed at Unicamp goes to air conditioning devices. Hence the importance of the focus of the work also involving the modernization of the buildings’ air conditioning systems together with the generation of photovoltaic energy.” 

This is a project included in the R&D project of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel). "We have the diagnostic stage and then installation of equipment, monitoring the implementation of technology results and air conditioning replacements. We intend to study technologies that will be beneficial for us and society, in addition to evaluating the implementation of new technologies that can later go to the market."

The rector of Unicamp Marcelo Knobel
The rector of Unicamp Marcelo Knobel

According to the project coordinator, professor Luis Carlos Pereira da Silva, Unicamp currently spends around 25 million reais per year on electricity. “We noticed that there is waste and that we can save money”, he guarantees. He explains that the challenge is to see where the greatest consumption is, with the expectation (in the initial phase) of saving R$1 million per year."

This project is part of an initiative by the MEC, which also realized that federal institutions were spending a lot on electricity – something around 500 million per year. Aneel then issued a notice for universities to try to reduce their electricity consumption. “We will measure all energy consumption of our units. Today we do not have this type of measurement. We know there is waste, but we don't know where. The operation of our electrical grid is completely blind. Now, we will have a data center for information on energy consumption to save money. We are very optimistic”, he commented.   

The general coordinator of the University, Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars
The general coordinator of the University, Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars

Energy generation actions have already begun. The projects are ready and will be installed by the end of this semester, according to professor Luis Carlos. With actions to generate our own energy, it will be possible to reduce consumption by 2%. With the actions to be implemented during these three years, it will be possible to reduce further. This will be done on an ongoing basis because this Unicamp consumption data measurement center will remain as a legacy of the project, changing the way we manage the electrical system and energy consumption.” 

According to the project coordinator, Unicamp already had several plans ready in the Technical Energy Management Chamber and in the Sustainable University Management Group. “We had ideas and projects. We didn't have the financing. With the partnership with CPFL, we will put these fundamental themes into practice for the University.” 

The event took place in the Consu room
The event took place in the Consu room and was attended by authorities from Unicamp and CPFL and guests

The campus mayor, Armando José Geraldo, said that Unicamp's expenditure on electricity is equivalent to a city of around 100 thousand inhabitants, due to the amount of equipment. Some actions have already been taken and more recently there has been the exchange of lighting fixtures for smaller lamps, air conditioning, public lighting, among other initiatives. In his opinion, this will be a unique partnership opportunity with CPFL Energia to further improve campus management.

The general coordinator of Unicamp said that this project is structuring, is supported within the Strategic Planning (Planes) and that it can be replicated, but can only be used within the university environment. It is a complete project, according to her, as it involves science, technology and human resources, through an integrative vision. She took the opportunity to call on CPFL to be Unicamp's strategic partner in the area of ​​renewable and non-renewable energy. 

Unicamp rector Marcelo Knobel highlighted that the idea is to continue working to increase sustainability. He stressed that the University has a long way to go in terms of improving water consumption and recovering what is possible. “Electrical energy is a very important factor and therefore you must improve your management system and place the solar energy system through an integrated project that involves several actions to optimize the use of energy, making the campus truly sustainable and collaborating with the CPFL.


Armando José Geraldo, campus mayor
Board of directors for the ceremony at Consu
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CPFL Energia's innovation manager, Renato Povia, and Unicamp's rector, Marcelo Knobel, sign an agreement


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium