Unicamp has the first transgender person defending a doctorate with a social name

Mara Moira defended her doctorate at IEL on the novelist James Joyce
Amara Moira defended her doctorate at IEL on the novelist James Joyce

Doctoral candidate Amara Moira is the first transvestite to defend a doctorate at Unicamp with her social name, which will be printed on the diploma. The defense took place on the afternoon of this Tuesday, 6th, in the thesis defense room of the Institute of Language Studies (IEL) . Amara was supervised by professor Suzi Frankl Sperber on her thesis “The indeterminacy of meanings in James Joyce's Ulysses”.

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Social name

The Unicamp Academic Board (DAC) currently responds to ten requests for the inclusion of social names in the registration of undergraduate or postgraduate students. According to the deputy coordinator of DAC, Adauto Delgado Filho, since 2015 registration with the social name was expected, but only now is the University starting to issue official documents with the option of how the student wants to be called.

Unicamp is based on decree 55.588, of 2010, valid for the entire State. The document “provides for the nominal treatment of transgender and transvestite people in public bodies in the State of São Paulo”. The coordinator informed that it is quite simple to make the request to Unicamp. Just formalize it on the portal e-dac with the registration of the social name in the Academic Management System (Siga).

The request can be made by transgender people or by simple choice, according to Delgado Filho. He adds that the law determines the maintenance of the first name in the civil registry accompanied by the first name chosen in official documents.

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Amara Moira defended her doctorate at IEL on the novelist James Joyce


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium