The Regional Hospital “Dra. Zilda Arns”, in Piracicaba, built by the State government, was inaugurated this Friday morning (16) and starts operating on Monday (19) with consultations in the otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology outpatient clinics. The other medical areas will come into operation gradually. The hospital will be a reference for the 26 municipalities that make up the Piracicaba Regional Health Department (DRS-X) and will only serve the Unified Health System (SUS).
The inauguration ceremony was attended by governor Geraldo Alckmin and the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, among other authorities. Unicamp will manage the medical unit through the Campinas Health Area Foundation (Fascamp).
"We went looking for the best partner, which is Unicamp, the best in Latin America", said Alckmin in his speech. "We went to look for the champion to manage the hospital." According to the governor, around R$32 million were invested in works and acquisition of furniture and equipment, and the estimated cost for this year will be R$35,6 million. When fully operational, the Regional Hospital will offer 900 direct jobs.
Also present at the ceremony, the Secretary of State for Health, David Uip, said that the inauguration of the Regional Hospital represented a dream. “It took a while, but it arrived. This is a winning partnership with a great university.”
"What was done here in a short time is impressive", highlighted the Unicamp rector. "We signed the contract with the State government on November 24th. On December 4th, we started working. This is a first-class hospital, which will quickly become a reference for the region. We have assembled a first-class team to work in this hospital" . Knobel recalled that more than 15 thousand people applied for the first vacancies offered in a competition by the Hospital Regional de Piracicaba.
The rector also highlighted the importance that the hospital will have for Unicamp’s activities. “We will bring our faculty and students here to fulfill our role as a public university, which is to do research, train our students and provide quality assistance.”
Barjas Negri, who was a professor at Unicamp and Minister of Health, stated that the city had been waiting for a public hospital for 40 years. “DRS-X, which covers the region where the hospital operates, has the lowest number of SUS beds per thousand inhabitants. This hospital came to correct this distortion."
The Piracicaba Regional Hospital has a capacity for 126 beds, of which 60 will be activated in 2018: 10 in the adult ICU, 8 in semi-intensive treatment and 42 in the clinical-surgical ward. The hospital will not have an Emergency Room or Emergency Care structure, and will only treat patients referred by other units by prior appointment.
According to the hospital's executive director, Gisela Onuchic, the institution will have equipment in its technological park to carry out exams such as colonoscopies, echocardiography, endoscopies, retinography, retinal mapping, nasofibroscopies, resonances, X-rays, tomography, ultrasound, among others. examinations, including laboratory ones. The goal is to carry out 2018 exams, 74.500 medical consultations and 17.950 surgeries in 2.259.
Dean talks about Regional Hospital "Dra. Zilda Arns" on "Unicamp Direto ao Assunto"
Marcelo Knobel highlighted that the management of this hospital complex will be along the same lines as the Sumaré State Hospital, managed by Unicamp since 2000.