From the popular imagination to the lobby of Unicamp's Institute of Geosciences: knowledge about dinosaurs can be improved and debated through the exhibition open this Thursday, April 5th, for the general public, including children. “Dinosaurs(?)” presents, through small dolls, around 60 different species of prehistoric animals and some fossil replicas, with multimedia language and interactivity. The proposal was born at the University of São Paulo, through professor Luiz Eduardo Anelli, and came to Unicamp with new features, as explained by Carolina Zabini, professor at the Department of Geology and Natural Resources and curator of the exhibition: “We included videos, some fun activities and the possibility of monitored visits to these beings that inhabited the planet 230 million years ago”, he comments. The Unicamp Exploratory Science Museum (MC) is a partner in the project in setting up, training mediators and organizing activities with monitors. This weekend – April 7th (9am to 17pm) and April 8th (9:30am to 11:30am) – there are teams available to assist visitors, whether families or school groups, by appointment.
The route consists of several questions to the public. Details such as geographic location, dinosaurs in Brazilian territory, and how they were related will be discussed during the tour. “The exhibition also aims to bring the topic to debate and build a relationship between researchers and the public”, says André Santanchè, director of the Science Museum. In the same vein, Sérgio Salles, director of IG, celebrates the first extension event in the new building. “We now have a large space and we are willing to take advantage of it to expand our communication with society which, in this case of the exhibition, may be more interested in paleontology, earth sciences and the like”, says the professor.
TV Unicamp followed the official opening of the event. See more:
Dinosaurs(?) Exhibition
Where: Unicamp Geosciences Institute – R. Carlos Gomes, 250
When: April 5th to September 30th
SMonday to Friday, from 9 am to 17:30 pm and on Tuesdays, until 23 pm
Vmonitored visits by appointment: 19-3521-1810 or