Pint of Science releases schedule

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Pint of Science 2018 Schedule

The organization of Pint of Science, the largest science popularization festival in the world, has just released the complete program of themes and scientists. In Brazil alone, this year, there are 56 participating cities with an expected audience of over 50 thousand people. Between May 14th and 16th, they will join researchers from 20 other countries and leave the laboratory benches to occupy tables in bars and talk about their research with the population. In Campinas, the exchange of ideas takes place in six bars: Side B, Alzirão, Vila das Brejas – these first three in Barão Geraldo – Tonico's Boteco, Alzirão Itapura and The Lord's Pub, which are in the central region. The general coordination in the city is carried out by professor Luiz Carlos Dias, from the Unicamp Chemistry Institute, in partnership with Labjor (Laboratory of Advanced Studies in Journalism) and the scientific dissemination company, Numinalabs. In this third edition in Campinas, there will be 18 themes and 36 speakers in the areas of health, humanities and exact sciences. How are the fake news (fake news) affect your life and can manipulate the country's presidential elections, know what the great Brazilian science projects are and what they are for, such as the Sirius and the pre-salt. These are some examples of topics to be covered. The public will be able to clarify doubts, choosing subjects that most arouse their curiosity and raise controversy, such as drug decriminalization policies, gender, urban sustainability, climate change, fear and enthusiasm for artificial intelligence and cosmic rays.

See the complete Campinas schedule:

According to a Luiz Carlos Dias, The objective is to create a direct communication channel between scientists and society. “People want to know and scientists want to talk outside the classroom and in more informal and accessible language,” he explains. During the festival, researchers discuss content in a relaxed way, answer questions and there are no formalities such as registration or issuing certificates. There is also no need to pay entry, just what is consumed in the bars. “We chose current topics and specialists of the highest level who stand out in research carried out in the country, such as Guillerme Estrella, José Roque, Marcelo Knobel, Natalia Pasternak, Paulo Artaxo, Eliezer Barreiro, Luís Fernando Tófoli, Vanderlan Bolzani, Fabiana Barreira, and scientific disseminators on YouTube, Pirula and Emílio Garcia”, highlights Dias. Pint of Science emerged in 2013, from the initiative of two researchers from Imperial College London. Participating coordinators and scientists do not receive remuneration.

Watch the TV Unicamp report

Plan for the Pint of Science in Campinas

Side B  - Av. Albino JB de Oliveira, 1240 - Barão Geraldo

14/05 – Artificial Intelligence

15/05 – Pharmaceuticals

16/05 – Sirius and Pre-Salt

Alzirão Empório and Bar (Barão) – R. Francisco de Barros Filho, 432 - Barão Geraldo

14/05 – Chemistry and Universe

15/05 – Relativity and Cosmic Rays

16/05 – Neglected Diseases

Alzirão Empório and Bar (Itapura) - Av. Barão de Itapura, 2365 -Vila Rossi e Borchi

14 / 05 - Drug Policy

15/05 – Mathematics

16/05 – Climate and Volcanoes

The Lord's Pub - R. Américo Brasiliense, 350 - Cambuí, Campinas

14/05 – Fake News (journalism)

15/05 – Food and Health

16/05 – Genders and Transgenders

Tonico's Boteco  - R. Barão de Jaguara, 1373 - Center, Campinas

14/05 – Internet Rumors

15/05 – Urban Sustainability

16/05 – CSI: Chemistry

Vila das Brejas  - Av. Dr. Romeu Tórtima, 593 - Barão Geraldo

14/05 – Utopias and Dystopias

15/05 – Climate and Water

16/05 – Science and Pseudoscience

Limeira and Piracicaba, where there are Unicamp campuses, also host the festival

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Pint of Science


Internal Community

Delegation learned about research carried out at Unicamp and expressed interest in international cooperation

The show class with chef and gastrologist Tibério Gil on the role of nutrition and gastronomy in contemporary women's health, this Thursday (7), opened the program that runs until Friday (8)


According to Maria Luiza Moretti, despite the progress seen in recent years, the occupation of command positions is still unequal between men and women

There will be four years of partnership, with six places offered each year in the first two periods; the offer increases to nine beneficiaries in the following two years

The publications are divided in a didactic manner into the themes General Women's Health, Reproductive Health, Obstetric Health and Adolescent Women's Health

Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium