In video, project addresses mathematics in social practices

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What do we know about mathematics? How this knowledge circulates in everyday life: at school, at work, in academia, in indigenous and quilombola cultures, in the arts and in many other fields? This is the proposal of the Mathematical Project when addressing this knowledge present in our social practices.

The initiative is carried out by the Phala study group (Education, Language and Cultural Practices) at the Faculty of Education at Unicamp. The Laboratory for Advanced Studies in Journalism (Labjor-Unicamp) is a partner in the project.

As its first production, the Mathematical Project is launching a series of five videos published on YouTube as part of the actions of the National Science and Technology Week whose theme is “Mathematics is in everything”.

Mathematics in time and space
The Phala group's studies focus on mathematics present in societies and cultures through language games, going beyond the academic space and formal education. With the video project, the idea is to address different ways of thinking about mathematics.

“One of the considerations of the project is that it aims to displace a single view of mathematics, as something difficult to understand, which often generates distance and rejection on the part of the population”, explains the project coordinator, Jackeline Mendes, professor from FE-Unicamp and researcher in the Phala group.

Thus, the videos address mathematical knowledge in the way we orient ourselves in relation to time, how we locate ourselves in space, delimit territories, among other situations.

The Mathematical Project results from the funding notice for the National Science and Technology Week (SNCT) 2017 offered by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), an organization of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications, Federal Government.

Watch the videos
- You have time? How we orient ourselves in relation to time, the ways used in different cultures and throughout history

- When life is ready. Calendars across cultures and other time-orientating practices

- The measurement of spaces. Territories and their limits and borders; the right to space

- Where am I; Where I go. How we orient ourselves in space, instruments and practices

- Playing with language. Space and time in human communication

Instagram: Projetomathematicas

Facebook: ProjetoMathematicas

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Actors who participate in the project’s videos


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