Unicamp creates working group to improve data collection for performance indicators

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The Dean of University Development (PRDU) created a working group that will map, analyze and propose the best way to gather relevant data on Unicamp's performance in a single source. The GT began its work on the 9th, and over the next few months it should work on studying the different indicators that influence the university's work.

The working group is based at PRDU and has the support of the central administration, in particular the General Coordination of the University (CGU). The group will map general information for internal and external agents, and how this information is collected. 

Marisa Masumi Beppu, Vice-Rector of University Development
Marisa Masumi Beppu, Vice-Rector of University Development 

The objective is to develop a diagnosis of the process of collecting this data, in order to optimize the work with a view to improving Unicamp's internal processes. The GT is made up of employees from PRDU, CGU, vice-rectors, Economics and Planning Advisory (Aeplan), Academic Directorate (DAC), General Directorate of Administration (DGA), General Directorate of Human Resources (DGRH), Executive Directorate of International Relations (DRERI) and teaching units. 

"We noticed that the university spends a lot of time collecting data. We want to rationalize and improve this process”, explains the dean of university development, Marisa Beppu. "The data must be available using consultation with primary sources, supplying the centers who need this information. This avoids multiple consultations with agents, such as teachers and researchers, who generate the information".

The indicators that will be mapped will include those that reflect teaching and research activities, such as those existing on the Sucupira platform of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), and those required by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep ). 

Marisa Masumi Beppu, Vice-Rector of University Development
Sidney Pio de Campos and Rosangela Leves, members of the PRDU working group, and Marisa Masumi Beppu

Other data that will be studied by the GT will be related to international rankings, such as Times Higher Education (THE) and QS World University. "We do not use the rankings as a final objective, but as a “thermometer” of good results regarding the work carried out at Unicamp", reports Marisa Beppu.

The GT's initial work should last two months, and after the diagnosis, the best strategy and solutions for making the information available will be studied. The intention is to eliminate rework to feed academic and scientific production indicator bases by teachers and technical-administrative employees. 

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Marisa Masumi Beppu, Vice-Rector of University Development


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