Human Sciences Research Ethics Committee begins activities and holds workshop

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O Human and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (CEP-CHS) held a workshop on Tuesday, 15th, in the main hall of the Faculty of Education (FE) presenting the beginning of its work. The new committee will exclusively deal with scientific research in human and social sciences, and will work in parallel to the Research Ethics Committee that already existed and is based at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), serving the rest of the university.

The public present had access to information about the functioning of CEP-CHS, aspects of resolution nº510/2016 of the National Health Council, which led to the creation of the ethics committee, completion and submission of scientific works in the Platform Brazil and other doubts from researchers on the topic. Participants were presented with a little about the history of scientific research with human beings, the principles established in 1947 by the Nuremberg Code, and cases involving research in the humanities.

workshop table to launch the activities of the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences
Workshop table to launch the activities of the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences

"It was a great struggle to have an ethics committee focused on and with reviewers from the human sciences, based on resolution 510", assesses Sandra Fernandes Leite, professor at the Faculty of Education (FE) and coordinator of CEP-CHS, who highlights that the biggest Part of the problems is still in the understanding and use of Plataforma Brasil. “Most of the problems are in the submission of documents rather than research projects".

Established in 2016 by the Dean of Research (PRP), the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences had its composition established this year and is based at FE. In addition to Professor Sandra Fernandes Leite, CEP-CHS has as deputy coordinators Thiago Oliveira da Motta Sampaio, from the Institute of Language Studies (IEL), and Bárbara Geraldo de Castro, from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH).

Sandra Fernandes Leite, coordinator of CEP-CHS
Sandra Fernandes Leite, coordinator of CEP-CHS

The CEP-CHS reporting team is made up of professors and researchers also from the Institute of Economics (IE), Institute of Arts (IA), Faculty of Physical Education (FEF) and Center for Population Studies (Nepo).

"The Human Sciences Research Ethics Committee not only protects the research participant, but also the researcher and the university", explains Sandra Fernandes Leite. "Many publications and funding agencies require research to be approved by ethics committees. That's why CEP's proposal is to work together with the researcher, not blocking or causing more difficulties, but aligning research with ethical issues."

Thiago Oliveira da Motta Sampaio, from the Institute of Language Studies
Munir Salomão Skaf, Pro-Rector of Research at Unicamp
Workshop to launch the activities of the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences
Bárbara Geraldo de Castro, Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences
Workshop to launch the activities of the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences
Workshop to launch the activities of the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences
Workshop to launch the activities of the Research Ethics Committee in Human and Social Sciences


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium