Unicamp rector Marcelo Knobel received the Afro-Brazilian Civic Merit Medal from Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares, an institution directed by rector José Vicente. The distinction was given to personalities who contributed directly or indirectly to the moral, socioeconomic, cultural and educational elevation of black Brazilians. The ceremony was held last Monday (14), in the Simón Bolívar auditorium of the Memorial da América Latina, in São Paulo, in celebration of the signing of the Lei Áurea, which officially extinguished slavery in Brazil 130 years ago.
In addition to Marcelo Knobel, the Minister of Education, Rossieli Soares da Silva; the executive director of Human Resources at Bradesco, Glaucimar Peticov; the Secretary of Human Rights of São Paulo City Hall, Eloísa Arruda; the president of the OAB of São Paulo, Marcos da Costa; businesswoman Luiza Trajano; the president of Bradesco's board of directors, Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi; the director of the São Paulo City Ballet, part of Theatro Municipal, Ismael Ivo; singer Martinho da Vila; and journalist Glória Maria.
Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares is the first higher education institution focused on the inclusion of black students in Latin America, with 90% of its clientele made up of this public. Unicamp also has important initiatives to guarantee black students' access to the University, mainly through its affirmative action programs.