Unicamp publishes list of mandatory reading works for the 2020 entrance exam

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The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the list of works in Portuguese, the reading of which is mandatory for candidates for the Unicamp 2020 Entrance Exam. The list maintains the same number of 12 works as the previous one. Each year, Unicamp partially renews the works that make up the list, to allow teachers to plan and, at the same time, monitor the dynamics of the education system, whose audience is renewed every year. The list for the 2020 Entrance Exam presents three new works in relation to the previous one.

The works are of different genres and extensions, by authors from Brazilian and Portuguese literature. It is important to highlight that this list is not the same for the Unicamp 2019 Vestibular, which takes place later this year, and whose works have already been published previously. Both lists can be consulted at www.comvest.unicamp.br

The new list of works includes novels, poetry, plays, short stories, diaries, and song lyrics, among other genres, in order to encourage students to expand their field of study, without overloading them with the volume of readings. Below is the program for the Unicamp 2020 Entrance Exam. The works marked in bold are those that were included in the current list. The rest were already on the previous list. The works included for the 2020 Entrance Exam have aesthetic, cultural and pedagogical relevance for the training of high school students.


The Racionais album playlist is available on Spotify or Youtube (access the links below)



List of Entrance Exam works

*It is required to read the four books that make up the 1982 edition (At your feet, April scenesComplete correspondence e Kid Gloves, launched by Editora Brasiliense), re-edited and re-released in 2016 by Companhia das Letras.

More about Racionais in Jornal da Unicamp:
Bro in a minefield

syncopated speech

On the beat and contradictions of a survivor

Poetic expression of Brazilian rap is a topic of study

cover image
Album cover by Racionais MCs


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