Unicamp suspends academic activities on the 28th due to shortages

Unicamp statement to the Academic Community

Given the prolongation of the national truck drivers' strike, which since last Monday (21) has affected national supply, most of Unicamp's suppliers of goods and services reported that, as long as the movement continues, there is no guarantee of service. to the demands of the University for the proper functioning of the infrastructure on the Campinas, Piracicaba and Limeira campuses.

The sectors that should be most affected, in the next few hours, are the bus system (charter, internal circular and residential circular) and the supply system for university restaurants.

Due to these facts, the Central Administration of the University decided to suspend all academic activities, including undergraduate, postgraduate and extension courses, next Monday, 28/05/2018, observing the following determinations:

1. During this period, the activities of the Central Administration and the assistance activities of the Health Area must be maintained, as far as possible. 
i. Those responsible for the different units in the Health Area will have the autonomy to organize their units in the best possible way in order to preserve continuity of care.

2. Those responsible for the different Teaching and Research units will have the autonomy to organize their activities in the best possible way in order to preserve those considered essential.  

i. It will be up to the unit directors to decide whether to maintain or postpone activities related to thesis committees and the like.

ii. It should be noted that, at this time, the suspension of classes will not cause any harm to compliance with the academic calendar.

3. All activities involving the need for outsourced transport are temporarily suspended.

Health services
Despite the efforts that will be made to preserve care in Unicamp's health services, the truck drivers' strike could cause additional difficulties for service providers and suppliers in the sector, imposing limited conditions for providing care to the population.

Given this scenario, the Central Administration advises the population to seek care at Unicamp health units only in emergency situations.

During this period, the Central Administration will be closely monitoring the evolution of the truck drivers' movement and will keep the Unicamp community informed about new developments.

Unicamp Central Administration
Campinas, May 25, 2018

cover image
National truck drivers strike


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium