Pickets prevent University Council meeting

Announcement from the Rectory

The Unicamp Rectory informs the academic community that it was forced to cancel the meeting of the University Council (Consu) scheduled for today due to pickets that prevented counselors from entering the General Secretariat building.

The Rectory made every effort to ensure that the meeting took place, but these were unsuccessful. Even after the Rectory received representatives of teachers, staff and students to discuss, access to the Consu meeting room continued to be blocked.

Given the cancellation of the meeting, deliberations on several matters of interest to Unicamp had to be postponed – among them, the approval of the 1,5% salary adjustment proposed by the Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp). 

As the matter could not be debated by the Consu, as determined by the Deliberation Consu-A-020/2017 (Article 1, Paragraph 1, Item IX), according to which all salary increase proposals presented by Cruesp must be submitted for approval by the councilors as they imply a permanent increase in budgetary expenses, the 1,5% adjustment cannot yet be granted .

The Rectory regrets the stance of the union movement, which prevented democratic debate in accordance with the University's institutional norms.

Dean of Unicamp
Campinas, May 29, 2018

Read the motion of repudiation published by members of the Consu
(in PDF)


cover image
Consu entrance


Internal Community

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium