Announcement from the Rectory
With the aim of resolving any doubts of the academic community regarding the item on the agenda of the University Council (Consu) which deals with the approval of the 1,5% salary adjustment proposed by the Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp), the Rectory of Unicamp clarifies that:
- The body responsible for defining and negotiating with the Fórum das Seis the annual salary adjustment rates for teachers and employees of the three state universities in São Paulo is Cruesp.
- The fact that the University Council of Unicamp has decided that it must approve the adjustments proposed by Cruesp does not take away from the latter the role of deciding on salary issues relating to the three universities.
- Approval means “officially recognize”. In other words, it is up to the Unicamp and USP University Councils to discuss, according to the universities' budgetary situation, whether or not they agree with the readjustments proposed by Cruesp. The Unicamp University Council does not have the role of deliberating new adjustment rates.
- The submission to the University Councils of the adjustments proposed by Cruesp is an important measure in order to provide transparency to the process and preserve the financial health of São Paulo state universities. In addition to preventing situations that put universities at risk, it is essential to discuss what the proposed index implies in financial terms, to allow conscious and shared decisions with the university community and society.
- Regardless of the approval of the proposed indices, discussions between Cruesp and Fórum das Seis continue to take place. In other words, the approval of the indexes by the University Councils of Unicamp and USP does not imply that the discussions are finished.
- The USP University Council has already approved the 1,5% adjustment proposed for 2018. The index was approved in a meeting held on May 29th – the same date on which the Unicamp University Council should have deliberated on the matter, but was prevented from doing so due to pickets promoted by the union movement. USP and Unesp workers have already received the proposed increase in their salary.
- There was already a meeting between Cruesp and Fórum das Seis scheduled for May 30th. This meeting was only canceled due to the fact that the Unicamp University Council was prevented from meeting the day before. There is another meeting between Cruesp and Fórum das Seis scheduled for this week.
- Regarding the adjustment for 2018, Cruesp was clear in stating that the decision to propose a 1,5% increase represents an effort by the three universities to seek to restore at least the inflation rate of recent years, even in a moment of serious crisis.
- Although the 1,5% adjustment does not meet the expectations of teachers and staff, its application will have a considerable impact on Unicamp's annual expenses, which will increase by around R$26,5 million. It is essential, therefore, that the University Council and the academic community know and discuss the actions that the Central Administration has been taking to balance Unicamp's budget with the concern of maintaining the purchasing power of salaries and the appreciation and promotion of the University's staff.
Dean of Unicamp
Campinas, June 5, 2018