Consu approves 1,5% adjustment proposed by Cruesp

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The University Council (Consu) of Unicamp approved this Tuesday afternoon (5), in an ordinary session, the proposal for a 1,5% salary adjustment for employees and teachers, presented by the Council of Rectors of the State Universities of São Paulo ( Cruesp). As a result, the index will be incorporated into the salaries paid by the University in July. “More important than confirming the index proposed by Cruesp, Consu had the opportunity to discuss the issue in a rich and transparent way”, considered rector Marcelo Knobel.

Photo: Perri
Rector Marcelo Knobel: rich and transparent discussion

According to the director, the approval of the adjustment does not put an end to the negotiations between Cruesp and Fórum das Seis, an entity that represents the categories of employees and teachers at universities in São Paulo. "Let's keep talking. We are clear that the index granted does not replace the salary losses accumulated by workers over the last few years, but it is what is possible for the moment. We had no way of going further, considering the responsibility we have with universities and also as public managers”, explained Knobel.

The Consu also approved the first budget review for 2018. According to technical assessments, the University is expected to close the year with a deficit of R$239 million. The numbers, according to the rector, reveal the difficulties that Unicamp is still facing. “It is a deficit that worries us, so we will continue working hard with the aim of reducing it.”

Photo: Perri
Moment when Consu members approve the 1,5% adjustment

During the session, the councilors also approved the extinction of the full Environmental Sanitation course offered by the Faculty of Technology (FT), located in Limeira. The places on this course were absorbed by other FT courses. The justification for the decision was the low demand for the career over the last few years. The same course offered at night will continue to operate. Also in relation to FT, the proposal to create the Transport Engineering course (evening) was approved, with the consequent extinction of the Building Construction course (night). The first will take advantage of the physical and human resources infrastructure of the second and will continue to offer the same 50 vacancies.


Read also:

Rectory clarifies process for approval of salary adjustment by Consu


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Moment when Consu members approve the 1,5% adjustment | Photo: Antoninho Perri


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