CRUESP Announcement No. 03/2018

CRUESP Notice No. 03/2018


São Paulo, June 13, 2018


The Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp), in the third meeting held with the Forum of the Six this year, regretted the acts of brutality and pickets that occurred in recent days. Such events, although they were punctual, are in opposition to what had been agreed between Cruesp and Fórum das Seis in the previous meeting.

At today's meeting, Cruesp:

  1. Recognized the importance of restoring the purchasing power of salaries in the face of lags experienced in the last three years;
  2. Reiterated the 1,5% salary adjustment rate granted to civil servants, as well as maintaining the commitment to promote periodic technical meetings to monitor ICMS collection and to reassess the budgetary-financial situation of Universities throughout the second semester;
  3. It proposed to evaluate possible financial surpluses, given the expenses already committed and that will be incurred this year with hiring, career, permanence and specific agenda items, and to analyze the possibility of granting a new salary adjustment in the second semester;

Cruesp respects the right to strike and is committed to evaluating the scenario of each University, after the return of activities, at a negotiation table, in accordance with legislation and jurisprudence.

A meeting of the Cruesp and Fórum das Seis technical teams was scheduled, to take place on July 23, 2018.


President of CRUESP
Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities

Read the press release in PDF

Meeting audio

cover image


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium