CRUESP Notice No. 04/2018
São Paulo, June 19, 2018
The Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (CRUESP), regarding the Amendment to the Constitution of the State of São Paulo nº 46/2018, published on 09/06/2018, which established the value of the subsidy as a single remuneration limit for state public servants monthly of the Judges of the Court of Justice of that State, has to inform that:
I. Amendment 46/2018 does not result in a salary increase for any of the employees at São Paulo State Universities;
II. The application of Amendment 46/2018 will eliminate the divergence that currently exists between the salary ceilings of employees at Federal Universities, present in the state of São Paulo, and those at São Paulo State Universities, which will only fully occur in 2021;
III. In the first 12 (twelve) months counted from the promulgation of the Amendment, the application of the salary cap corresponds to 71% of the value of the Judges' allowance, which today results in R$ 21.634,48, except for salary irreducibility and observing the limits set out in the article 2 of EC 46/2018;
IV. In the 2018 financial year, the application of Amendment 46/2018 does not imply an increase in expenses for State Public Universities.
President of CRUESP
Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities