Entrance exam will be held in Curitiba and Salvador

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Curitiba and Salvador will be two new Brazilian capitals to host the Unicamp Vestibular exams, starting with the 2019 edition. The University is returning to holding the exams in the capital of Paraná and the capital of Bahia, after a few years. The expansion meets the demand of students from both regions of the country for a city option to take the entrance exam. Registration for the Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam will take place from August 1st to 31st, exclusively at: www.comvest.unicamp.br.

Last year, Unicamp had already expanded the application of its entrance exams to two other capitals: Belo Horizonte and Fortaleza. With the inclusion of Curitiba and Salvador, outside the State of São Paulo, five capitals now receive the Unicamp Entrance Exam: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Fortaleza and Salvador.

José Alves de Freitas Neto, executive coordinator of the Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest), explains that the demand for Unicamp from students from Bahia is great. “The number of students from Salvador enrolled each year is very encouraging. We consider that, in addition to Salvador being the largest capital in the northeast, there is great prestige for Unicamp among candidates from that State,” he said.

Freitas Neto recalled the goal of including more self-declared black and brown students at Unicamp. “Unicamp has an ambitious goal of including the self-declared black and brown population and Bahia is one of the states with the largest black contingent in Brazil”, explained the coordinator.

In the State of São Paulo, Unicamp administers its entrance exams in 29 cities: Araçatuba, Bauru, Botucatu, Bragança Paulista, Campinas, Franca, Guaratinguetá, Guarulhos, Indaiatuba, Jundiaí, Limeira, Marília, Mogi das Cruzes, Mogi Guaçu, Osasco, Piracicaba, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto, Santo André, Santos, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, São João da Boa Vista, São José do Rio Preto, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Sorocaba, Sumaré and Valinhos. 
The city of Registro, in the south of the State of São Paulo, will no longer host the Unicamp Vestibular exams. According to Freitas Neto, there was low demand and, on the other hand, a high demand from students from Paraná for the test in Curitiba. “Comvest felt it was best to take the application to Curitiba, as we have a high demand from students from Paraná. Thus, Curitiba was an option for the entrance exam to once again have at least one capital in the southern region of the country”, explained the coordinator.  

Tests - Indigenous Entrance Exam
Starting this year, the Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest) will hold the Unicamp Indigenous Entrance Exam, with tests being administered in five cities across the country: Campinas (SP), Dourado (MS), Manaus (AM), Recife (PE) and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM). Registration will be carried out online, on the Comvest website, from August 15th to September 14th. The single-phase test will be administered on December 2nd.

In addition to the traditional entrance exam and the indigenous entrance exam, Unicamp will have other forms of admission to undergraduate courses, which include places through Enem, ethnic-racial quotas and places for students with excellent performance in scientific olympiads. The respective notices will be published soon by Comvest. Registration dates are now available on the Commission's website.

For Freitas Neto, the inclusion of the two new capitals gives the entrance exam a national character. “Unicamp believes it is essential to be present in several regions of Brazil, as there are currently different systems spread across the country, and the simple performance of tests in a given state attracts the attention of students to Unicamp”, he considered.

Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam Calendar

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Audio description: Montage with two photos, one on the left, which shows, in panoramic view, the sea and small boats in the background, while in the foreground there is a building, the Lacerda Elevator, in Bahia, a structure with a tower and a extensive access corridor to it. The photo on the right shows a large park with flower gardens, in the foreground, being visited by countless people, and in the background a large metal structure painted white, with glass, high, with three concave towers. Image 1 of 1


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