Central Administration expands proposal to employees and teachers

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Photo Perri

Unicamp's Central Administration received this Monday (25) representatives from the Unicamp Teachers' Association (Adunicamp) and the Unicamp Workers' Union (STU) to negotiate the specific agenda of demands for each category. In an effort to advance the proposal already presented, a salary adjustment of 1,5% and an increase from R$850 to R$950 in the value of food aid, the current management of the University proposed that 10% of the surplus (over the expected in the PDO) of the ICMS collection in 2018, minus the 1,5% adjustment and the increase in food assistance, are allocated to careers (teachers, including special careers, employees and researchers) on an annualized basis from the second budget review .

The first meeting was between the Central Administration and the directors of Adunicamp, who presented an agenda containing four items: readjustment of food aid to R$1,1; creation of a Working Group (GT) to monitor Unicamp's budgetary evolution; unlocking career progression and teacher hiring programs; and development of a joint action between Higher Administration and Adunicamp in defense of the public university, Unicamp in particular.

In addition to the proposal to allocate 10% of the surplus ICMS collection for application in the career plan, the Central Administration reiterated the salary adjustment of 1,5%, with a technical meeting to monitor the collection already scheduled between the Forum of Six and Cruesp for July 23rd, as agreed in the general agenda. Dean Marcelo Knobel suggested the implementation of a local GT to monitor the evolution of the budget following the terms of item 3 of the Cruesp statement from last March. The first meeting was scheduled for July 24th.

The rector also reaffirmed the offer of an increase of R$ 100,00 in the value of the food allowance, which will go from R$ 850,00 to R$ 950,00, from July 1st. The Rectory also committed to immediately implementing the qualification program for teaching staff at the technical colleges, Cotil and Cotuca, as foreseen in the budget. These two items will have to be assessed by the Budget and Heritage Committee (COP) and approved by the University Council (Consu).

Photo Perri

The scheduling of other meetings to discuss other items on the specific agenda was also reiterated. Finally, there was a commitment from the Higher Administration to make efforts with the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo (Alesp) to increase the resources allocated to public universities in São Paulo in the 2019 Budget Guidelines Law.

After the meeting with Adunicamp ended, the meeting with STU representatives began. The proposals for salary adjustments of 1,5%, an increase of R$ 100 in the value of food assistance and the scheduling of other meetings to discuss other items on the specific agenda were also reiterated to union members: chartered transport (July 06) and working conditions in the health sector (July 17). The STU was also proposed to allocate 10% of the excess ICMS collection for career application. It was also suggested the implementation of a local WG to monitor the evolution of the budget.

The Rectory additionally committed to discussing with each manager the frequency after the end of the employee strike, with the consequent replacement of the days stopped where this measure is possible. Finally, the Higher Administration stated that it will continue to work with Alesp to increase the resources allocated to public universities in São Paulo. The proposals would be evaluated by the two categories in assemblies that would take place this Tuesday afternoon (26).

During the two meetings, rector Marcelo Knobel once again told representatives of employees and professors that Unicamp is facing a serious budget crisis and that all decisions that result in increased expenses must be made with extreme responsibility and common sense, under penalty of of compromising the institution's activities in the future. The leader recalled that the University's current financial deficit is R$239 million and that the country's economic and political scenarios are uncertain. “In the current situation, we cannot increase our permanent expenses too much, without the prospect of increasing revenues”, he considered.

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Meeting between Central Administration and STU


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium