Rectory publishes proposals presented to STU and Adunicamp

Proposal from the Rectory to STU – 26/06/2018 

After a new negotiation meeting regarding the specific agenda, held on June 25th with the Unicamp Workers Union (STU), the Rectory presents the following proposal: 
1) Reiterates the 1,5% adjustment, with a technical meeting to monitor the collection already scheduled between Fórum das Seis and Cruesp for 23/07/2018, as agreed on the general agenda. 
2) Suggests the implementation of a local Working Group to monitor the evolution of the budget following the terms of item 3 of the CRUESP 03/2018 statement. First meeting scheduled for 24/07/2018. 
3) Proposes an increase of R$ 100,00 in food assistance, which will increase to R$ 950,00 from 01/07/2018. 
4) Proposes that 10% of the surplus (over what was foreseen in the PDO) from ICMS collection in 2018, minus the 1,5% adjustment and the increase in food aid, be allocated to careers (teachers, employees and researchers) so annualized from the second budget review. 
5) Reiterates the scheduling of other meetings to discuss other items on the specific agenda. Meeting about charters: 06/07/2018; Meeting on working conditions in the health sector: 17/07/2018. 
6) The rectory will discuss with each manager the frequency after the strike ends, with replacements where possible. 
7) Joint efforts will be made with ALESP to increase resources allocated to public universities in São Paulo in LDO 2019. 
Note 1. Items 3 and 4 must be assessed by the COP and approved by the University Council on 07/08/2018.  
Note 2. This proposal is valid until 29/06/2018. 
Unicamp Rectory, 26/06/2018


Read the proposal in PDF


Proposal from the Rectory to Adunicamp – 26/06/2018 

After a negotiation meeting regarding the specific agenda, held on June 25th with Adunicamp, the Rectory presents the following proposal: 
1) Reiterates the 1,5% adjustment, with a technical meeting to monitor the collection already scheduled between Fórum das Seis and Cruesp for 23/07/2018, as agreed on the general agenda. 
2) Suggests the implementation of a local Working Group to monitor the evolution of the budget following the terms of item 3 of the CRUESP 03/2018 statement. First meeting scheduled for 24/07/2018. 
3) Proposes an increase of R$ 100,00 in food assistance, which will increase to R$ 950,00 from 01/07/2018. 
4) The Rectory will immediately implement the qualification program for COTIL and COTUCA teaching staff as set out in the budget. 
5) Proposes that 10% of the surplus (over what is foreseen in the PDO) from ICMS collection in 2018, minus the 1,5% adjustment and the increase in food aid, be allocated to careers (teachers, including special careers, employees and researchers) on an annualized basis from the second budget review onwards. 
6) Reiterates the scheduling of other meetings to discuss other items on the specific agenda.  
7) Joint efforts will be made with ALESP to increase resources allocated to public universities in São Paulo in LDO 2019. 
Note 1. Items 3 and 4 must be assessed by the COP and approved by the University Council on 07/08/2018.  
Note 2. This proposal is valid until 29/06/2018. 

Read the proposal in PDF

What came out on the topic:
Central Administration expands proposal to employees and teachers

Rectory publishes proposals presented to STU and Adunicamp

Universities and the new ceiling of civil service

Higher Administration clarifies unit directors about employee strike

Rectory releases statement on salary negotiation

Unicamp reaffirms proposal to readjust food aid

Cruesp releases statement on Amendment to the Constitution of the State of São Paulo

Central Administration and STU hold new meeting on strike in the health sector

Unicamp will guide the health sector to comply with a court injunction

Central Administration proposes to increase the value of food assistance from R$850 to R$950

Central Administration and STU begin negotiation of specific agenda

Rectory releases statement on salary negotiation

Cruesp maintains 1,5% adjustment

Cruesp and Fórum das Seis begin third round of negotiations

Consu approves 1,5% adjustment proposed by Cruesp

Rectory clarifies process for approval of salary adjustment by Consu

Cruesp suspends meeting with Fórum das Seis after pickets at Unicamp

Pickets prevent University Council meeting

CRUESP Announcement No. 03/2018

CRUESP Announcement No. 02/2018

CRUESP Notice No. 01/2018

cover image
Unicamp campus


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