Court orders the rectory to be vacated within 24 hours

The judge of the 1st Public Finance Court of Campinas, Mauro Iuji Fukumoto, issued on Thursday (05), around 16:30 pm, an injunction determining the vacancy of the Rectory building within 24 hours. The injunction also determines the scheduling of a new negotiation meeting, within a maximum period of 24 hours after vacating, at which the Rector must be personally present. The Unicamp Rectory, which has always been open to dialogue, is ready to comply with the court order, hoping that the impasse will be resolved peacefully.

On Wednesday (04), the same magistrate had already determined application of a fine of R$5 to the Unicamp Workers Union (STU) due to the blockade carried out on Friday, June 29th, at the entrances to Unicamp on the Barão Geraldo campus. “The right to strike does not imply the possibility of obstructing access to a public building, either by employees or by the population in general”, says the injunction, which stipulated a fine of R$5 each time access entrances are blocked. from Unicamp.

Also on Wednesday, Fukumoto rejected the request for urgent provisional protection presented by the STU which demanded payment for days off for technical-administrative employees who joined the strike initiated by the category. In his decision, the judge considered that “the most reasonable interpretation of the thesis, in accordance with the ministerial opinion, is that discounts can be made immediately, without prejudice to subsequent refunds if the illegality of the conduct of the public authorities is proven”.


Read also

Occupation of the Rectory prevents continuity of dialogue with STU

Union occupies the rectory

STU omits information about server transfer

Unicamp's rectory regrets the blockade promoted by the union

Rectory responds to counterproposals from STU and Adunicamp

At the request of the STU, Unicamp provides clarifications on proposals

Central Administration expands proposal to employees and teachers


cover image

Image removed.

Image of the Unicamp campus, in Barão Geraldo

Read also

Occupation of the Rectory prevents continuity of dialogue with STU

Union occupies the rectory

STU omits information about server transfer

Unicamp's rectory regrets the blockade promoted by the union

Rectory responds to counterproposals from STU and Adunicamp

At the request of the STU, Unicamp provides clarifications on proposals

Central Administration expands proposal to employees and teachers

cover image
Image of the Unicamp campus


Internal Community

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There will be four years of partnership, with six places offered each year in the first two periods; the offer increases to nine beneficiaries in the following two years

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Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium