The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the list of candidates eligible for exemption from paying the registration fee for the Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam. 7.673 candidates are exempt from paying the fee. Last year, the number was 8.653 candidates and in 2017, 7.302 candidates. The list is available at This year, Comvest received 8.978 applications and all candidates who met the requirements benefited.
Recipients must consult the exemption code necessary to register for the entrance exam without having to pay the fee, which will be 170,00 reais. Benefiting candidates will also receive a message via email containing the exemption code. Registration for the Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam will be carried out between the 1st and 31st of August, exclusively online.
Important: Candidates benefiting from fee exemption are not automatically enrolled in the entrance exam. You must register at the same time as other candidates, using the specific exempt candidate code. Requests for exemption from the Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam registration fee were closed in May. The complete Unicamp 2019 Vestibular calendar is available on the Comvest website.
Registration fee exemptions were offered in three ways. Most of the exemptions granted were for modality 1, aimed at students from low-income families, who attended high school in public schools, in which 6.783 students received the benefit. In modality 2, for Unicamp/Funcamp employees, 23 candidates were exempt from the registration fee. In modality 3, aimed at all candidates for undergraduate courses in the evening (Biological Sciences, Physics, Literature, Integrated Degree Chemistry/Physics, Pedagogy and Mathematics), 867 candidates benefited.