Central Administration reassigns librarian to CMU

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The Unicamp Memory Center (CMU) library will no longer need to suspend public service due to a lack of staff, as the organization's management unilaterally determined. On the afternoon of this Wednesday (25), the General Coordination of the University (CGU) and the Cesar Lattes Central Library (BC-CL) determined the displacement of a librarian linked to BC-CL to work half a day at the CMU collection. . The server will take over the role from next Monday (30), initially in the afternoon.

The solution, according to Unicamp's general coordinator, professor Teresa Atvars, was simple and demonstrates that the matter should have been dealt with, as it was by the Central Administration, exclusively at the administrative level. “The issue took on an unjustified dimension. If the CMU management had brought the problem to the Rectory before deciding to suspend the library's activities, the same resource would have been used, which would have avoided a series of inconveniences and rumors”, considered the director.

According to Professor Teresa Atvars, the referral given will prevent any type of damage to academic activities that depend on consultation of the CMU library collection. The associate coordinator of BC-CL, Valéria Martins, communicated the decision to the CMU management on Wednesday afternoon. She explained that the librarian will initially hold office hours in the afternoon, as this is the period of greatest demand for the collection. “However, we will evaluate whether this really is the best time, according to movement. If necessary, we will make adjustments in order to provide the best possible service to the public,” she said.


The CMU management decided unilaterally, therefore without consulting the CGU, the Rectory or Coordination of Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Centers (Cocen), that it would suspend its library's services to the public, citing a lack of staff. The measure was announced on the Center's website and on social media. Subsequently, the Rectory considered, through an official note, the measure to be inadequate from an academic point of view and unnecessary from an administrative point of view, considering that there were numerous other alternatives for making the collection publicly available, including measures of an administrative nature, which would not involve new hiring, such as personnel relocation.

In the text, the Rectory also clarified that Unicamp is opening a competition for a librarian, in order to meet cases considered priority, but hiring can only occur after the approval of the competitions, which in turn can only occur, according to legislation , after the electoral period. At no point did the Rectory's note propose the dismemberment of the collection maintained by the CMU library, as was erroneously announced by the Unicamp Faculty Association (Adunicamp).

On December 22, 2017, the CGU designated, through internal ordinance (006/2017), the creation of a Working Group (GT) to prepare a proposal to adapt physical space that guarantees the integrity and preservation of the CMU collection. The GT was made up of six members, including representatives from the SBU and the CMU itself. This ordinance also does not consider the dismemberment of the library collection maintained by the CMU. The ordinance stipulated a deadline of July 10, 2018 for the GT to present its report. To date, however, the CGU has not yet received the aforementioned report.

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Part of the Unicamp Memory Center library collection


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