Unicamp will participate in the 'Turn of Consciousness'

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Dean José Vicente, from Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares: "Diversity unites us, strengthens us and makes us better"

Unicamp is the first University to join the action called Virada da Consciência, which will be carried out by Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares, in São Paulo, during Black Consciousness Week, celebrated in November. The objective of the initiative is to use academic, artistic, sporting and cultural events to convey to society the importance of combating racism and intolerance. “We are going to take the following message to people: diversity unites us, strengthens us and makes us better”, says the founder and rector of Zumbi dos Palmares, professor José Vicente.

The invitation for Unicamp to participate in Virada da Consciência was made by professor José Vicente to rector Marcelo Knobel, on a recent visit to Campinas. In addition to participating in the São Paulo program, the University will carry out different actions on the Barão Geraldo campus, which will be organized by the Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture (ProEC). “For us, it is a pleasure to be part of this effort to value diversity. This type of collaboration further strengthens relations between Unicamp and Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares”, understands Knobel.

Two attractions are already confirmed for Virada da Consciência, according to professor José Vicente. Casa Natura Musical, located in the Capital, will promote several shows throughout Consciousness Week, which will focus on the theme of equality as an important value for Brazilian society. “The administration of the Pacaembu Stadium will also participate in this effort, by promoting a friendly match between the Corinthians master team and a team made up of artists”, says the dean of Zumbi dos Palmares, adding that the idea is to make the actions gain widespread reach. .

The Turn of Consciousness, notes professor José Vicente, is part of a broader strategy that aims to eliminate the barriers that black people still face in Brazilian society. “With a lot of effort, we managed to place around a million young black people in universities. If we don't work together with the corporate world, we won't be able to include them in the job market. What will happen in this case? They will return to a situation of exclusion, which would be a crime against the country,” he argues.

PTo prevent this from happening, the Business Initiative for Equality was created, which is made up of the 50 largest Brazilian companies and their respective presidents. “Our mission is to combine speech and action with the purpose of making the necessary interventions to break down the barriers that still exist, even if they are unconscious.” Furthermore, concludes the dean of Zumbi dos Palmares, these corporations will also promote the Diversity Day, an initiative that will feature internal debates with the participation of employees and managers on the need to build a more egalitarian society.

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Rectors Marcelo Knobel and José Vicente: joint effort to combat intolerance


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium