Comvest releases consultation of approved registrations for the 2019 Indigenous Entrance Exam


The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) has released consultation on the status of registrations for the Unicamp 2019 Indigenous Entrance Examination. For check whether the registration was approved or not, candidates must use their personal password. To have their application accepted, candidates needed to attach, to the Registration Form, the Declaration of Ethnicity and Link with Indigenous Community signed by indigenous leaders and FUNAI. They are approved 610 subscriptions.

The next step is to submit the original copy of the Declaration (which was sent in scanned format during registration) on the day of the test, on December 2. In some cases, students are being informed of corrections that need to be made to the document. The candidate who does not deliver the Declaration on paper, duly completed and with the signatures indicated, will have to sign a Term of Commitment, committing to send the document to Unicamp, within a period of up to 10 business days after applying the test, by registered mail or Sedex, to the address:

State University of Campinas – Unicamp COMVEST – Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Entry – Indigenous 2019) Av. Érico Veríssimo, 1280 Cidade Universitária “Zeferino Vaz” Barão Geraldo – Campinas/SP CEP 13083-851.

Candidates who fail to comply with these instructions your test will not be corrected and will be automatically eliminated from the Indigenous Entrance Exam.

The test will be held on December 2nd, in the following cities: Campinas (SP), Dourados (MS), Manaus (AM), Recife (PE) and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM). The test will be in Portuguese, consisting of 50 questions multiple choice and an essay, as follows: Languages ​​and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an essay. O study program for the test is now available on the Comvest website. They are disqualified Candidates who do not get it right minimum, 10 multiple choice questions and do not obtain, at the very least, five points in the Writing test (out of a total of 25 points).

Approves will start at 13 pm (Brasília time) and candidates must arrive in advance, as access to the test locations will only be allowed until 13 pm, without fail. The duration of the test is five hoursWhat to take: the original of the identity document indicated in the inscription, black pen on transparent material, black pencil, eraser. The candidate may use a watch to keep track of time, but all watches must be placed on the floor, next to the desk. Water and small food containers should be placed on the floor, next to your desk. The use of cell phones is prohibited or any other electronic equipment, digital watches, concealers of any kind, mechanical pencil, highlighter pen, bandana/scarf, cap, hat, or other foreign proof materials.

Notice with the rules can be consulted on the Comvest website, as well as the full calendar the process.

cover image
Audio description: photomontage with three images, being the map of Brazil, on the left, with the names and border delimitations of the states, and in the background, in green, appears the profile image of an indigenous person's face, looking towards the right, in watermark. On the right, in a blue tone, an image of a concrete plate affixed to a square with undergrowth, with the inscription Unicamp, alongside a large arch with a banner affixed inside with the inscription Unicamp and its logo. Image 1 of 1


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