Registration for the Enem-Unicamp selection ends this Wednesday, the 14th


The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) closes next Wednesday (14/11, at 17 pm), the registration period for the Enem-Unicamp 2019 selection process. Registrations can be made exclusively through Comvest website. Interested parties must fill out an electronic form and collect the registration fee. Candidates registered for the Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam, with fee exemption, will also be exempt from the Enem-Unicamp process. For others, the fee will be 30 reais or 15 reais, in the case of those who also registered for the Unicamp 2019 Vestibular. The Notice with the rules of the process is available on the Comvest website. This is the first time that Unicamp has adopted Enem as a way of accessing undergraduate courses.

645 vacancies are offered through the Enem-Unicamp process, allocated to three registration segments: 50% of vacancies for candidates who have completed secondary education in a public school (or who have obtained secondary education certification by Enem by 2016 or official exams); 25% of vacancies for self-declared black and brown candidates; and 25% of vacancies for candidates who have completed high school in a public school and are self-declared black, mixed race or indigenous. The list of courses and vacancies is available on the Comvest page.

Just like in the Unicamp Entrance Exam, to be entitled to quotas based on ethnic-racial criteria, students who self-declare as black or brown must have phenotypic traits that characterize them as black, black or brown. If approved, they must sign and submit a declaration upon registration, in accordance with the Notice. Those opting for indigenous vacancies must also present the declaration.

Multiple Entries
Interested parties will be able to register simultaneously in more than one of Unicamp's selection systems for 2019 (Unicamp Entrance Exam, Enem-Unicamp Selection Process, Indigenous Entrance Exam, Olympic Vacancies Selection Process). At the time of the calls, if a candidate has been invited to enroll in the same course, in the same call, in the 2019 Entrance Exam and in Enem-Unicamp, the vacancy to be filled will be that of the entrance exam. If a candidate has been invited to enroll in different courses, in the same call, in the 2019 Entrance Exam and in Enem-Unicamp, the candidate will make a choice at the time of registration.

The Enem tests are the responsibility of the National Institute of Education and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), linked to the Ministry of Education. Unicamp will consider the grades from the Writing, Mathematics, Languages ​​and Codes, Natural Sciences and Human Sciences tests reported by INEP. In addition to these, in the case of the Visual Arts course, there will be Specific Skills Tests, with the same evaluation criteria as the Unicamp Entrance Exam.

There will be up to five calls for enrollment, following the same enrollment calendar as the Unicamp 2019 Vestibular. Enrollment will be carried out in two stages: the first, virtual (on the Comvest page, on 11/2/2019) and from the second call onwards, in person, at the course’s main unit

cover image
Illustration: Luis Paulo Silva


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