The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) opened this Wednesday (21/11), registrations to fill 90 vacancies through the Unicamp 2019 Olympic Vacancy Notice. The courses and respective vacancies can be consulted at Comvest website, as well as the notice with all the rules. You can register in this modality, awarded in olympiads or other knowledge competitions held in 2017 and 2018. Registrations will be made using the Electronic Form on the Comvest page, until 17 pm on January 10, 2019. Olympiads or competitions held for students of high school. The table with the accepted Olympics is available on the Comvest website ( Each candidate may register within two courses of graduation (in 1st and 2nd option).
The candidate must, at the time of registration, attach documents proving your award in olympiads or other knowledge competitions and your High School Transcript or equivalent document. The candidate may attach up to a maximum of two documents proving the award and/or participation in an Olympiad or other knowledge competition, that is, one for each course option.
In each course, candidates will be invited in descending order of score obtained in the olympiad or knowledge competition, for the course in 1st option. If there are unfilled vacancies, candidates who chose the course as their 2nd option will be called in descending order. The candidate may use the score of a single Olympics or competition of knowledge, for each of the course options.
The call for registration will be made in up to four calls per course. Enrollment will be carried out in two stages: first three enrollments, virtual, on the Comvest page and, the fourth registration, in person, at the course’s main unit. All candidates who register virtually must also enroll in person. If there are unfilled vacancies after the four registrations, these will be transferred to the Unicamp 2019 Entrance Exam, except in the Computer Science, Manufacturing Engineering and Production Engineering courses, which offer additional vacancies.
O calendar for calls and registration is included in the 2019 Entry Manual.
Multiple Entries
The interested may register at the same time in more than one of Unicamp's selection systems for 2019 (Unicamp Entrance Exam, Enem-Unicamp Selection Process, Indigenous Entrance Exam, Olympic Vacancies Selection Process). At the time of the calls, if a candidate has been invited to enroll in a same course, in the same call, in the 2019 Entrance Exam and in Enem-Unicamp, the vacancy to be filled will be that of the entrance exam. If a candidate has been invited to enroll in different courses, and on same call, in the 2019 Entrance Exam and in Enem-Unicamp, the candidate will make a choice at the time of registration.