Comvest publishes answer key for the Unicamp 2019 Indigenous Entrance Exam

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The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the answer sheet for the 2019 Indigenous Entrance Exam. The test was held last Sunday, December 2nd. The template can be consulted on the Comvest website. The list of those called for enrollment in the 1st call and the waiting list will be published on the day 29 January 2019, also on the Comvest website. Registration for the 1st call will be done online, on the day February 4 (until 18pm). To qualify, candidates must answer at least 10 multiple-choice questions correctly. and obtain at least five points in the Writing test (out of a total of 25 points). The abstention rate by city, the test administered and the Notice with the rules can be consulted on the Comvest page, in addition to the full calendar the process.

The Unicamp 2019 Indigenous Entrance Exam was applied in five cities in the country: Campinas (SP), Dourados (MS), Manaus (AM), Recife (PE) and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM). The test was in Portuguese, consisting of 50 questions multiple choice and an essay, as follows: Languages ​​and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an essay.


Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2019


10/09/2018 (9am) to 17/09/2018 (18pm) Deadline for sending a digital file for the Specific Skills test
for the Music course, on the Comvest website (

14/09/2018 at 17am

Final date for requesting registration via the electronic form and deadline for submission via the electronic form, from the digitized version of the Declaration of Ethnicity.

11/10/2018 until 17pm

Publication of approval of registrations, at email address

13/10/2018 (9am) to 19/10/2018 (17pm)

Period for filing appeals regarding rejection of registrations, exclusively through the address


Disclosure of the results of appeals filed against the rejection of registration, exclusively at the address


Notice for the Tests, containing the complete address of the place where candidates must appear to take them. Disclosure will be made exclusively at the address

02/12/2018 at 13h

Application of the Tests in the cities of Campinas/SP, Dourados/MS, Manaus/AM, Recife/PE and São Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM.

29/01/2019 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 1nd call and waiting list, exclusively at address

04 / 02 / 2019 from 8h to 18h

Registration of those called in the 1st call (virtual).


Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 2nd call, made exclusively at address

11 / 02 / 2019 from 8h to 18h

Registration of those called in the 2st call (virtual).

13/02/2019 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 3nd call, made exclusively at address

18 / 02 / 2019 from 8h to 18h

Registration of those called in the 3st call (virtual).

20 / 02 / 2019 from 9h to 12h

Registration confirmation (in person), in a location to be informed on the website

20/02/2019 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 4nd call, made exclusively at address

25 / 02 / 2019 from 9h to 12h

Registration of those called up in the 4th call. In-person registration, in a location to be informed on the website

13/03/2019 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 5nd call, made exclusively at address

18 / 03 / 2019 from 9h to 12h

Registration of those called up in the 5th call. In-person registration, in a location to be informed on the website

cover image
The first indigenous entrance exam had 610 applicants, who took the test on December 2nd | Photo: Antonio Scarpinetti


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