Unicamp professor goes to Brumadinho

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The professor at the Unicamp Geosciences Institute, Jefferson Picanço, embarks this Monday, the 28th, on a mission that seeks to study the dam collapse in Brumadinho, MG, providing recommendations to the authorities who are in charge of the operations. He is a member of the Scientific Support Center for Disasters (CENACID), at the Federal University of Paraná. A team from the Center will study the rupture, in particular the mechanisms and consequences of the mud-waste flow. 

The group, which will initially remain in Minas Gerais for four days, will also provide support in dealing with the calamity through assessments and analyzes carried out based on CENACID's experience in disasters around the world. The Unicamp professor will work to obtain general data on the disaster and analyze the mudflow process, its characteristics and its destructive effects.  

The leader of the mission is UFPR professor Renato Lima, director of CENACID internationally recognized as an “expert” in the assessment and management of major disasters. Also joining the team will be Aline Freitas, director of the geological service of Rio de Janeiro, and Fabiane Aline Accordes, specialist in risks and disasters.  

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Pataxó Hã-hã-hãe indigenous people live in the Naõ Xohã village, on the banks of the Paraopeba River. Published on 28/01/2019 - 11:18 | Photo: Lucas Hallel ASCOM/FUNAI Brumadinho /MG


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium